geek t shirt

The Sharp J-Tech Inverter 2-Door Refrigerator: Keep Cool and Fresh this Christmas

Christmas is in the air and with it are the parties and gatherings you’d probably host or attend. And with every Filipino Christmas party tradition, good food and drinks never fail to make their appearance. But sometimes, the abundance of holiday favorites becomes a dilemma before and even after every party or shindig. 

It might be something often overlooked because of all the excitement during these events, but behind the merry celebration, a conscious homemaker will always have these two concerns in mind: the food storage and the potential leftovers.

Be a pro with Guitar Center Emeryville!

In many things learning started in younger years are advantage,You can learn easily as you go along.I remember,Way back when i was in high school i'm struggling to learn playing a guitar.No one teaches me i'm just reading guitar chords in a song magazines.Nowadays there are many available guitar center like emeryville that teaches everything about playing guitar,No problem if you are a newbie,Any age.Check them out,They make practicing and learning the easiest and fun way so no more struggling and now you can be a pro one.They offer classes,For schedule and other information check them out now.


In our haste to come up with the best Christmas gift this season, we tend to forget that every person’s well-being will always be on top of the list, thus, a gift of wellness is something that will be well-received.
Around the globe, holidays means parties everywhere which also equates to frequent sleep deprivation not to mention increased alcohol intake for some and the bad effects of second hand smoke for others. All these factors contribute to lower immune system and this might not be a good match for the holidays.

Bewell-C has got your back covered as it contains all the vitamin C your body needs minus the acidity.  Bewell-C is a non-acidic vitamin C supplement that boosts the immune system to fight against various health conditions. 

Transportify Gears Up for the Holiday Rush

We all know too well that the holiday season can be problematic amid higher demand for consumer products and the capability to distribute them on time.

Through the years we have seen time and time again how the horrendous traffic in Metro Manila compounds this problem. For many of holiday gift-givers and the would-be Santas, making their loved ones wait is simply not acceptable.

Fortunately, this can be addressed by a few logistics providers that can help move things around the metro.

Have an OMG Shopping Experience when you shop at!

Are you one of thousands of cosplayers around the globe?Or just a fan trying to copy the style of her star idol?Or are you just a girl who love to dress up and look glam.Fashionistas,Stylists for your clients or personal uses.Surely your looking for  Wholesale Cheap Wigs Online.There is a Shopping website for you gals that is a costumer friendly and everything you'll be needing is available from Cheap Sythetic Wig  Name it and they have it.

This website is called  they have great deals everyday.
" is a China-based global online retailer . From the moment they founded, The vision was to empower people worldwide in buying and selling online."

Loréal Excellence Fashion Review!

Two weeks ago i received the package containing The New L'oréal Paris Excellence Fashion in 6.13 Golden Nude Brown with shine complex.I'm so excited when i opened the box because it was my firt time to DYI hair coloring.I have natural hair colored and because it was my first time i'm a little bit afraid i can't do it alone.Pardon me if don't guve justice review this diy hair color,This is my first time doing it. 😊

The box consists of the following:
*The Protective Pre-Color Serum
*The Protective Créme Colorant 
*The Créme Developer
*The Protective Conditioner
*High Quality Gloves
*Users Guide

The #1 Haircolor worldwide introduces a new line of exclusive fashion colors inspired by Paris Glamour.It says "Ideal for darker base tones who want to visibly lighen without a drastic change.The balance of reflects creates an elegant look that counteracts rosiness or dullness of the skin.

Marshall Valvestate

Talking about marshall valvestate Perfect fit, weather-resistant vinyl, and features the Marshall logo.
The Marshall COVR-00008 cover is durable and made to fit perfectly a Marshall VS amp head. This affordable cover will keep your gear looking great for years. Made of weather-resistant vinyl and features the Marshall logo in bold.

Protect your Marshall investment. Order today.
Shiping Internationally.

"Marshall has always been known for their legendary amps. Iconic Marshall stacks have played a part in creating some of the most incredible riffs ever recorded, while stages around the world are often decked out with the inimitable "Wall of Marshalls." With Marshall amps playing such an important role in music, it's crucial that they're well protected and taken care of when not in use. This is why any performer using a Marshall amp owes it to their gear to pick up Marshall Amplifier Covers & Cases. "

Weird Beauty Treatments

People nowadays are all beauty conscious.Many girls wants to have picture perfect looks.Diet,Make up,Fancy clothes and extreme photo editing are not enough.Most of us wants the best,But best is not easy to achieve,Most beauty treatments are not easy as that,Painful most of the time we expect that,But have you heard some Weird Beauty Treatments?Here are some of those not so familiar with most of us.

Discover the voucher codes at Voucheroo!

As a mom we always find ways to save when we are buying stuff,It's not easy to budget monthly plus the monthly bills we are paying.If your are a plain housewife or a working mom ofcourse in this way,You could your family this is a big help financially you always wanted to save.Have you ever experienced in a grocery stores that they had sale/discount but you must be so early as possible because if not,You can avail discounted items?Hassle right?

Looking for a voucher codes discount coupons and great deals?Voucheroo is the solution for that easy shopping and gives you more savings."
a new money saving website for savvy shoppers that brings together top voucher codes, deals and discounts across the UK.

Less traffic with DIBZ!

There millions reasons why i hate traffic,Because traffic is stressful,Getting late in an appointment,Always having busy days at work,Ending your day stuck in traffic.Have you ever think why traffic is getting worse monthly and yearly?Because many car owners buy cars even if they don't have own place to park their own car.

We hate traffic but in online world traffic is good especially in blogging,Anyway back to the word TRAFFIC,What are worst things happened to you when you stocked in a heavy traffic,It's so annoying,When you are in a hurry going to work,Meetings or emergency and you spend half day of your regular days at highways.Irritation and anger some of the drivers feels when they are in the situation.You always think what is the solution for everyday traffic ,Our government also finding solution to that problem.

The following are some causes of traffic and Solutions.

"1.   U-Turns.   U-turn slots cause disproportional traffic congestion - especially when combined with in-disciplined motorists.
2.  Bus Stops. Stopping buses cause immense congestion - especially due to in-disciplined pulling-up (across 2 lanes), spontaneous stopping (to pick-up/drop-off passengers on the roadside) or when double parking at already full designated bus stops.
3.  Roadside Parking.  Short or long term parking causes traffic delays by obstructing the inner lane.

To avoid that heavy traffic,Some of the genius developer came up with this app called DIBZ,Finding ways to ease that heavy traffic now has a solution.Some of the cr owners here in the Philippines park in highways,O yes i bet you already seen those cars outside of he establishments,One of things that cause traffic,They don't have parking area."

To make it short,Dibz is an app where you can find your car where to park,It save you a lot ,Why?It doesn't cost that much and it save a lot of time for you finding that parking area.

Check out their Facebook Page to know and learn more HERE

Belo Intensive Whitening Face and Neck Cream

When it comes in taking care of skin,I always choose to be more wise,I usually buy products that  really works for me effective and i'm not buying things just because someone i like endorsing it or just saw it,Of course I really like reading blogs that gives honest reviews in a particular product.In this post I wanna share the skincare product that i'm using,I started using it last year actually but to be honest sometimes i can't buy one so ended up skipping for about weeks or month then use it again.

StyleWe:Women Online Shopping

Girls will always be girls and we all know that we all love to shop, Some people shop as their way of relaxation.
Shopping requires our time, of course, Shopping in he department stores is not easy if you are working or just always busy and don't have time to go shopping. The good thing about our generation nowadays is there is an online shopping website an online shop where you can buy anything with just a click away. There are so many online shops that you can choose but sometimes when you buy the one in the picture when you receive the items is totally different. It's really so disappointing right?

I just found out about an online shop that sells everything for ladies yes you read it right all for girls from dresses to handbags, name it and they have it. All items are well inspected for customer satisfaction and not only that, most of the items are well, I guess all of the items are designers and well-picked. There are so many good things to buy. It's called StyleWe, to purchase just sign up and pick your favorite items, Don't worry because they have also the easiest way of mode of payment. If want more of the information or just began to love StyleWe you can always check them out. They are always offering good deals that you can't resist.
They are also available on the Google Play store just type in the search bar StyleWe: Women Online Shopping for your convenience and effortless shopping.

Some of my favorite picks, what do you think are they all gorgeous?

Go check them out at their social media accounts too.

Let me know in the comments what items you will purchase. 

Bike Computer, cycle safely!

Cyclometers and GPS tracking apps dedicated for cyclists have been around for years, yet most of them are missing a key feature for the safety conscious cyclists. This app upgrades your phone, making it the best BIKE COMPUTER ever! We put safety first! It has an additional 'PREMIUM' feature 'KEEP ME SAFE™' which is an accident detection system.

Gifts for newly-weds and their new home

June has always been the month when most couples would tie the knot and start a new chapter of their lives, building their own family while growing old together. But in recent years, December is also becoming a popular month for weddings aside from the usual Christmas season gatherings. The times may be shifting, but the challenge of picking the right gifts for the newly-weds still stays the same.  Of course, people want to give only the best things that the couple may use in beginning their new life and that it would be a seemingly good idea to start gift hunting as early as possible.

Fortunately, the world’s leading consumer appliances manufacturer, Midea gives well-wishers a chance to express their love and support to the newly-weds— offering some gift ideas that would be definitely loved by the couple and would help them in building their homes. Couples usually get household items such as flatware and silverware as gifts while for friends and family members who want to give something that could ease the newly-weds’ life as they start anew,  small appliances still top the gift registry charts.

Jigsaw Puzzles:Things To Do When Alone at Home Midnight

You think its a creepy post because halloween is everywhere and we are all excited especially kids.But,Not all places are safe to be outside even at late at night so I suggest you and with your  kids should stay at home to be safe.
Sometimes,When my husbands having an overtime work at office,Me with kids are alone,And ofcourse i'm wide wake,Up until my husban's arrive even if he comes home dawn.Here are the things that i usually do for us to be safe:

1.Lock the Door-Always Check the main door and the back door,Including windows.
2.Put a knife inside the room-But keep it hidden away from kids,So incase of emergency something happens you have something with you.
3.Always be Alert-Ready and keep your mind focus.

The night is always long,For me not to be bored i put on my headset and listen music but with a lowest volume for me to hear when there's a noise  or something.
Still you want to know the best to do at night when alone?Tadaaaa!

To fight boredom you can do  jigsaw puzzles "JSPuzzles is a gaming website born out of a love for jigsaw puzzles." Theres a lot of themes you can choose it is a friendly-game website that alows users to play as a guest or you can sign up and play or even upload your own puzzles.

There's a choices of pieces you can play it means if you're not a pro it's ok you'll getting there.Start with a 9 pieces and so on.It's so enjoying because it's mobile friendly too you can play it with your smartphone. Did i me tion that you can play the puzzles for FREE ?Yes,It's free so you can play anytime you like.
You can rate and share it too.Take note,You can do it with your kids and even if day time ofcourse,It's a great way to bond with family with your favorite snacks.

Check the now and bookmark it surely you'll gonna love playing different themes.Let me know when you do and don't forget to share this game too. 

Reasons why choose sergeant stripes

Are you looking for a strap that gives you comfort and it will lasts for years?sergeant stripes "
The Get'm Get'm Sergeant Stripes Guitar Strap is a 2" wide vinyl strap that extends up to 80" in length, and features leather articulated tips. The military-style stripes add just the right touch of color. All straps are made in the USA, sport heavy-duty metal hardware, and as an extra bonus, Get'm Get'm donates a portion of the proceeds from its strap sales toward the rescuing of cats and dogs."

The strap perfectly made for your body for you to be comfortable.Highly recommended for your friends or officemates.Easy to adjust and it will not irritate you just comfort while using it.Every cents are worth it and surely that it will lasts years and years.


With its thrust to continuously bring innovations into its developments, Camella – the flagship brand of Vista Land and Lifescapes, Inc. – unveils its newest home offering: The Manors, vertical villages that offer a perfect blend of comfort and convenience of condo living and the friendly embrace of a caring community.

Strategically located at the heart of Vista Land’s communicity developments, The Manors promises holistic lifestyle to its residents with its unmatched access to commercial areas, innovative business districts, bustling expanse for learning and leisure, and more of life’s necessities.

How much does a cello cost

Are you into music?Love playing music intruments or do you know someone that is fond of musical instruments?Like the cello,It is a solo musical instrument that has many uses and many music enthusiasts love it.I dreamt playing it too.Anyway,Buying online is practical now adays but we are considering the amount thats involve.We want every cent we spent are worth it so how much does a cello cost ?Probably you googled it already check the link in this post and you'll find amazing deals when you want to buy cello.Let me know if you will buy ok.

Food Supplement for our kids

Honestly,I'm guilty because sometimes I gave "junk foods" to my kids,Especially to my youngest,As my way of reward if they are behaving.Ofcourse we all know those foods are not healthy for them but that just once or twice a week only.So,Aside from eating nutrional foods always i make sure they're getting the right vitamins that they need enough sleep and maintain their weight.

Mikael and Mishael are not picky eater but ofcourse kids will always be kids,Sometimes they get easily distracted when eating ends up they just ate small amount of food,Just lately i tried gave them Nutri 10 Plus syrup for them boost their appetite and always "ganado". 

Saving while shopping is easy with Groupon.

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.

Last May just this year we just moved into our new home.The kids are so excited and so am i,When moving place,There's mnay things that i can could say that would be consider like for example i just found out we need more appliances and new furniture.I just freaked out,Because another expenses will be made.As a mom I always want and find ways to save ofcourse we all want to save as much as we can,In Groupon Goods saves as much as you want.Everything stuffs you need are there in it always offers discounts and great deals to make shoppers experience great.

Vitamins for Kids by UNILAB

I always believe in the saying that "prevention is better than cure".When i became a mother,I always make sure that my children are always healthy and protected.I'm always worried about their health,What I gave to them everyday is the Ceelin to keep them safe and be protected from illness.I called it super vitamins duo for my kids.My kids are my everything so to make sure that they're getting the right nutrients,Aside from eating healthy food i gave them Ceelin and Ceelin Plus "siguradong protektado"

"Ascorbic Acid (Ceelin) increases body resistance to stress and infections and hastens recovery from illnesses and the healing of wounds. Also indispensable in the formation and maintenance of firm and healthy gums, teeth, cartilages, osteoid tissues, blood vessels, and connective tissues. These nutritional supplements are used for the prevention and treatment of deficiencies of vitamin C and zinc."
Why i added Ceelin Plus?"Because Vitamin C and zinc together help the body’s natural defense against damaging free radicals (antioxidant effect) and help boost immune function".

I Want Seats: Real-Time Online Bus Reservation

We all hate when waiting in line in terminals it consumes so much of our time,Why wait in line when you can book online with iWantSeats.What is iWantSeats?Keep Reading.

iWantSeats is an online bus booking platform in the Philippines. Currently offering deluxe trips to Baguio and Baler to and from Manila via JoyBus, more routes will be added to serve you!

Booking your bus ticket has never been as easy as booking your hotels and airline tickets! With just a few clicks, you can reserve and confirm your seat and just go to the terminal on the day of your trip. 

Explore new places, or travel to and from your city without having to wait hours at the terminal as a chance passenger. 
No more stress and tired when you the book to iWantSeats and enjoy more of your trip. 

Book to Baguio or Baler now at 

Watch out for new trips coming soon!

Calmoseptine:My kids ointment for their skin

Zinc Oxide+Calamine
Calmoseptine ointment

When my eldest son had these red patches in his skin that makes him scratches because he feels itchy,I was like omg what i'm gonna put,"Stop scratching!","Don't sit anywhere","Don't touch anything and don't play dirty things".I'm turning crazy hahaha!.
My son had an eczema,I tried many creams and lotions,soaps still it's there.I feel useless i can't do anything for his skin.
This Calmoseptine is for my younger little one,For his diaper rash.What really amazed me was when i tried to used it for Mikael,The itchiness of his skin's lessen and also the redness.
Now i always buy Calmoseptine this is so affordable,It's just less than $1 in drugstore.Empties up to 3 days,Not bad because it's not that hard to find and affordable.
This is Made in USA.
Multi Purpose Moisture Barrier Ointment Which protects,Soothes,and Helps promote healing of skin irritations from many diseases.
How to use: Cleanse the affected area,Let it dry and apply 2-4 times or more daily to promote comfort and protection.
Safe to use.

Woodwinds and Brasswinds

Do you love watching band or orchestras?I love how they produce music,So lively maybe because of thier instruments  wwbw woodwindbrasswinds , Woodwind instruments, part of the wind family  .I don't know how they are using it but they're so incredible and amazing with those music instrument.You might wanna check out the link above,I found lot of woodwind and brasswinds instruments,If you like and planning to learn how to play with it.They're affordable and lot of great deals too.I think i might have a learning woodwind 101 lesson starting from now.

Helping others and Save Money While Enjoying shopping

There's one thing that people love and always do and that is Shopping. I love shopping and I know you too, WE all love to shop. Nowadays, Most of us shopped online, Because it convenient and hassle-free especially for a mom like me.
Speaking of shopping, As much as possible we look for discount coupons, And other stuff to save some money. I usually love to avail of the free shipping promos.
In this post, I will share a great idea to save money while shopping and not only that you can help many lives while shopping it's like shopping with a cause and save.

Your Furry Companion

What do you do when winter?There are so many things that we love to do inside our house with our family like reading some good story books with your kids,Making soups or crafting and other stuffs that are enjoy to do with someone.The most important thing we are considering when winter is our clothes,We make sure that it will make us warmth and comfortable.How do you buy your winter outfits?Online or not we always make sure to read some Cozy Winters Reviews ofcourse we want to read reviews of other satisfied buyers before we get that items for ourselves.I always do that,Reading online review it helps me a lot eapecially in deciding what to buy.Are you doing too?

Shop While You Save

I'm guilty, I always make my purchases online not because I love online shopping, but because it is very convenient and hassle-free for me. As a mom, I always try to find a way to save while shopping. I’m more than happy to make use of free shipping promos as well as save money by searching for discount coupons and many more just to save some money.
I remember when I once purchased a shirt and it costed more than Php1000, I managed to save Php100 from the free shipping promo (shipping usually costs Php100). It’s not a lot but I can buy other great things with Php100, right?
In this post, I will share tips to save while shopping online that you might be interested so you can save money on your next purchases.

What I found lately is that there is a website called ShopBack that you can actually save a lot using when you shop online. Every time you shop online, no matter how much you spend, it guarantees you'll get cash back.
Shopback is affiliated with top online shops like Expedia and Zalora and offers cashback from them. Cashback is like cash rebates and it will be deposited into your bank account or PayPal once you redeem it so you can save more money when you shop online. You can also use it with the exclusive coupon codes you find on their page as well as existing promos from the store itself.

Go Green and Practical with California EcoBike

Fuel prices continues to soar every week, add that to the burden of motorists and commuters alike as horrendous traffic in the metro persist. When it seems that we need to contend ourselves with these condition, why not try other alternative?
Electronics Bikes
One such alternative we can take are E-bikes which can either charge on an electrical outlet or completely off-grid through solar charging. These should lower fumes on the road caused by petroleum type fuel and considerably cheaper if not free. 
With the steady growth of e-bike followers, California Ecobike is gearing towards its mission to improve transportation in an eco-friendly way, one e-bike at a time. With their continuous effort in offering various alternative, here are two of their newest model:

California EcoBike Promo
CD-R King and California Ecobike are holding a promo, Libreng E-bike that will run from April 15 to May 15, 2016, interested participants can refer to mechanics below:
Promo Mechanics:
1. Participants must purchase one (1) unit of E-bike worth P10,000 or more to qualify for this promo.
2. Participant must sign an application form and submit 2 valid IDs to join. Approved participants will be given a referral ID card.
3. Participant must accompany each of their referred buyers during the purchase.
4. A successful referral can only be approved if the following conditions are met:
Each of the referred buyer bought an E-bike worth 10,000 or higher.
The transaction was made within the promo period.
The transaction was made on the same branch where the participant enlisted in.
5. After completing 10 successful transactions, the participant can avail 1 free Reedley2 E-bike.
6. To claim the free Reedley2 E-bike, participant must present his/her Referral ID card along with 2 valid IDs. After 3 working days, store will call up the participant for claiming.
7. Redemption period is up to 60 days from the end of promo.

News for Two wheels enthusiasts on the North

To further up the ante, CD-R King and California E-bike are testing the market as it initially offer the iRover and Malibu for rent for mall-goers of Star Mall, San Jose. With a minimal fee of as low as Php30, Mall goers can rent these gadgets to be used within the mall vicinity. Renter should have a valid ID for processing.
For further inquiries visit  or their FB page

Introducing Fine Japan’s new 100% Pure Organic Pearl Coix

A pioneering product by FINE Japan, a highly concentrated extract of pearl coix powder is referred in Japan as “hatomugi” or “yokui-nin” and revered for its effectiveness in promoting beautiful white skin, hair and nails. This plant extract is often alluded to as the reason why Japanese skin, particularly that of women, is very beautiful, radiant and luminous.

The 100% Pure Organic Pearl Coix is packed with nutritional value such as 8x more fiber to help improve digestion and relieve constipation.  It has a diuretic effect that helps remove excess water from the body and promote better urine flow.  It also strengthens joints and reduces limb stiffness. 

The Perils of Check Cashing Activity

Some financial transactions are evolving and are making people very happy due to the conveniences enjoyed from this evolution.  One concrete example of this is with check cashing.  In the days of old, the normal transaction for this activity involves the check holder whose name appears on the face of the check to visit the designated bank in order to convert the funds into cash.  

4 Helpful Ideas on Payday Loans

These days when income remains stagnant and yet the cost of living is increasing almost every day, it is guaranteed that at one point in your life you will suffer temporary financial setback brought about by this condition. In addition, the shock of knowing that you do not have enough cash to address emergency situations or pay for unexpected expenses necessitates the help of payday loans  .  Here are some helpful ideas so you can manage them well.

Top 8 Wrong Ideas about Payday Loans

Many people frown on payday loans because of wrong ideas that they have with this kind of loan.  Unfortunately, there are many myths surrounding this type of loan thus people avoid payday loans and end up suffering more financial setbacks.  Here are top 15 wrong ideas with regards to it. 

How to Make Payday Loans Work for You

There is no doubt that any kind of loan can either be helpful or disastrous.  It usually depends on how you manage it and at the same implement measures so you will not end up paying more or sinking deeper into debt trap or pits.  All the more reasons that you have to be very extra careful with payday loans as you might end up paying more fees or being exploited.  The question now is if you cannot help avoid this kind of loan, how will you make it work for you? Here are some suggestions.

Ilocos is captured in drone and it's breathtaking!

A Philippine region that fuses the beauty of nature and our history together, Ilocos is given a fresh and exciting perspective by awesome videographer Christer Isulat. With his drone and hand-held camera, he went to shoot the key destinations in Vigan, Laoag, and Pagudpud.

Tupperware Brands Philippines Unveils No-Mirror Makeup Challenge Facebook Contest

Do you love experimenting with looks and colors? Do you enjoy churning a brush in a palette of color?

Plautus said, “A woman without paint is like food without salt.”

There are many reasons women wear makeup, and maybe one of these reasons applies to you.

For some women, makeup allows them to project different personalities and aesthetics. There’s the playful and creative aspect. Then there’s the confidence-building aspect – why not cover a red blemish on your nose, if you can? Finally, there is an element of war paint and power. Makeup can make you feel more powerful and ready to face any trouble.

What if you are asked to do a makeup challenge? Would you dare to do it?

Tupperware Brands’ Colour Collection came up with an exciting challenge that will show off your tricks when applying makeup. Dubbed as the No-mirror Makeup Challenge, the contest is open to all makeup fanatics - beauty vloggers, newbies and professional makeup artists.

Entrants that will make it to the top 5 will receive Colour Collection makeup set worth Php 3,500.00. Awesome prize, right? Challenge started April 10, 2016 to May 20, 2015. To join, simply upload your 3-minute no-mirror makeup video tutorial on Facebook. After uploading your video invite someone you know by tagging their names in the video post caption. Invite them to do the challenge too. Indeed, this is a great chance to showcase the skills of Filipino beauty vloggers. So do it right and think that you'll be going on a photo shoot that needs to be perfect because it'll be judged based on the final product - eyes and lips. This is your chance to show yourself that you can do it! You will discover your hidden skills while having fun.

I remember back when I was working, I was always in a hurry so I’d always end up doing my no-mirror makeup every day. I know you can do the challenge as easy as 1 2 3. Just don't take it too seriously. Have fun while doing it. ☺

To learn more about the contest mechanics, head over to Tupperware Brands Philippines’ Facebook.

PhilCare Gives Care to Everyone

Filipinos are known as hardworking people and always ready for any type of job, and we treat every employee with equal rights whether it’s a blue-collar or white-collar job.

In addition to salary, which is an important part of the compensation package, an employee may be eligible for a broad range of valuable benefits, such as comprehensive health care insurance, life insurance, retirement programs, etc.

Unluckily, not all companies have health insurance for their employees because they claim that they are just small enterprises that have a small number of workers.

It is unfair, right? What if something bad happens and you don't have enough savings for your hospitalization expenses? Mind you, it’s a big problem.

Shop More and Save More with Groupon Coupons!

Disclosure: is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.

When buying stuffs for my family needs or just my personal things i always make sure i have coupon for particular shop.It really helped me save money.Online shopping or not before checking out i make sure i have coupon.Where you can find lots of coupon that verified to many retailers near you?The answer is GROUPON COUPONS,You can find many coupons for your needs,Just locate your place and see many retailers near you that you can use coupon.Using Groupon Coupons is as easy as 1,2,3 .It lets you save money while you shop at your favorite stores.

Here are some of great deals I found at Groupon Coupon:
 ●Disney Store 

All coupons that you need are in one website,Easy to access,Imagine this website actually helping you to become savvy.Offers different and good deals everyday that you can use for your shopping.

These deals are awesome check it out.
●Lenovo -50% Off Tablet and Phone Charger
●The Body Shop-30 Off Sitewide
●Forever21-10% Off Code + Free Shipping over $50

We love to save money,Earning money is not easy you need to work hard for it,So spend it wisely when purchasing stuffs,With the help of Groupon Coupons you can save a lot of money.You don't want to have debt,Use Groupon Coupons.Check out their offers and many great deals that surely makes you shop more and save more.

Planning to shop today or in the next day?Check GROUPON COUPONS and share what deals you like. 


When you're in a relationship,There's many things you want to do for your partner or to give things as your way of letting know that person how much he/she means to you.There's so many kinds,I remember my husband gave me an origami letter,He wrote eveything there and until now for how many years i still keep it.I'm worried,What if i lost of one day?There's so many memories,That letter means a lot to me.

Salarium Unveils Major Overhaul in Core Product

Salarium, a cloud based payroll platform from the Philippines, announced a major update and overhaul to their application particularly in their attendance and approval modules. The new attendance module provide employers new features to better manage their workforce. Some of the highlights include weekly timesheet views, inclusion of hour types, shift visibility, multiple projects/tags, time disputes via messaging, and a significantly improved user interface.

Why I Love Mask + Giveaway!

Taking care of our skin is one of our priorities,But when you're a mom it became the last one.I am a stay-at-home mom and i can honestly say that my day is always busy.I often used my smartphone than using laptop because it is the convinient way for me to go online.I can put it anywhere without worrying.
One thing that i maintain about my skin routine is  using sheet masks.Way back before i used peel off mask but when i found out these sheet masks are better or should i say easy to use,No mess after using it.

Victoria Court – "We don’t just sell hotel rooms. We sell imagination. "

Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Victoria Court… What do these three have in common? If you get it, then you get Victoria Court.

Victoria Court is a chain of hotels in the heart of Metro Manila. From the moment the guests arrive, they are immediately immersed in an extra sensory environment that is tailor-fit to each uniquely themed room. Want to be Batman for a day? They can do that for you. Is being a princess more your thing? Not a problem. No fantasy is too small for their group of intrepid employees who stop at nothing to make sure that their guests are happy from the time they check-in to the time they checkout. The state-of-the-art themed suites whisk their guests away to wherever their heart desires. The talented chefs make sure that each taste bud is tickled with every bite of the award winning dishes.
Joining the team ensures that, like the rooms, no two days will be alike. You will be working with passionate, fun-loving, and extremely creative individuals whose main goal is to make our guests forget the humdrum of everyday life, even if just for a few hours.

Favorite HairCare Product

When i became a "mom" one thing that gives so much concern to me was my hair and scalp.So many hairfall and dandruff,Maybe i was stressed and i didn't get enough sleep i don't know.Have you experienced combing your hair and there's so many hairfall on the comb?I always did.
I've tried many haircare product that can solved my hair problem,Luckily i got a chance to try these brand that really works for me.Good thing about this brand is that it is also a Natural Product-Herbal.

CDC Holdings Completes Manila Rivercity Residences 

Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry - current president Mr Angel Ngu, past honorary president Mr Tan Ching and vice president Dr. Cecilio Pedro. Also present were Manila City Hall's Engr. Roberto Bernardo and Engr. Roger Legaspi and the president of SEC Elevators, Mr Suzuki Takao, President of SEC Elevators, ECD, CDC, Engr. Roberto Bernardo, Manila City Engineer, Engr. Roger Legaspi, Manila City Building Official and Mr David Chua.

CDC Holdings, Inc., one of the leading real estate developers in the country, recently completed the construction and turnover of units for its newest project – the Manila Rivercity Residences in Sta. Ana, Manila.

With all the property’s nine towers now completed, the company has fulfilled its commitment to help more families realize their dream of living in their own homes. Through the Manila Rivercity Residences, nestled along the historic and scenic Pasig River, CDC Holdings has once again built one of the most exciting and dynamic communities in the area.

“From an old, dilapidated warehouse, CDC Holdings transformed this site into one of the most attractive real estate investment you can find at this location, at this price and at this quality,” shared Elsie Chua, the company’s president and CEO. “The vision that I have of providing value for money homes at convenient location is a reality with Manila Rivercity Residences.”

Lip balm That Rescued My Lips

When summer lots of outdoor activities that people enjoying to do despite of the heat,And because it is also school break more outdoor bonding with the family.My family goes to nearby resort and have a short days vacation to enjoy summer with my family under the sun.We love summer but not our skin.We need to use more moisturizers and keep our body hydrated.Especially when you have skin like me,Dry skin sometimes instead wearing tank tops,I wear long sleeves,funny right?

One of the things that i want to be protected is my lips,Yes.I really hate chapped and cracked lips and super dryness.So,I'm sharing to you what i've newly discovered.

The Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil.It has sun flower seed oil,beeswax,coconut oil,castor seed oil,pomegranate oil and other ingredients that makes the lips moisturized and it doesn't have any weird smell.
I used it many times everyday.Unlike any other lip balms i tried,This one makes me comfortable using it.Little bit pricey than other lip balms in the market but it really worth every cents of your money.Tried and tested.
When the days are even more hotter,I drink lots of water to keep my body hydrated.So far,For this summer season this is my favorite product,Because it really save my lips my chapping everyday.What are your favorite skincare summer product?Let me know so i can check it out too.

Expression 2

There are a lot of mixing consoles in the market these days.Still, they impact the market significantly, so Soundcraft developed the Expression Series, essentially an update of their much beloved Compact Series, introduced at a price that is competitive with the budget consoles that have grabbed such a large part of the market.What is expression 2 ? This mixer could be a game-changer.The Si Expression 2 is the 24-channel version of this mixer.Expect from any Soundcraft digital mixer the facilities are extensive and include legendary audio quality courtesy of the latest generation EMMA DSP processor, the same DSP platform that has helped propel previous Soundcraft Si series consoles to fame. All this power united with reliability, flexibility and usability puts the Si Expression in a class of its own.

The Sour-Savory Goodness of the new AJI-SINIGANG® Cube

Sinigang Soup is a ‘must’ in most Pinoy households’ weekly menu. The whole family enjoys a bowl of warm and refreshing Sinigang dish in hot or cold weather conditions. It has been observed though that most people using sinigang mixes available in the market would need to add other savory and meaty seasonings i.e. pork cube and all-in-one seasonings to achieve the ideal sinigang taste, which is not just about sourness but savory taste as well.

The new Ajinomoto® Sinigang Cube is all that you will ever need to cook Sinigang with the preferred blend of sour-savory (asim-linamnam) taste. It is perfect in providing the balanced rich, savory deliciousness and appetizing sourness to any sinigang dish. Each cube is “ZoopSiksik™” because it is packed with the right level of tamarind sourness and savory taste from meaty extracts.

AJI-SINIGANG® Cube is available in single 13g pillow pack cube for P5.00 and 8 pieces of 13g packed in re-sealable stand-up pouch for P38.00. 

Discovering the Golden Ticket to Digital Success in the Travel Industry!

Competition amongst travel companies online is hotter than ever. As a result, they are paying close attention to how to sell more online, and how digital communications can help them to win, and retain, new customers. In this new digital environment the most successful retailers will be the ones who leverage their business intelligence to build long-lasting relationships with their customers.


Quezon City–Three out of five women have experienced a form of sexual harassment while commuting in Metro Manila, according to a new research, “Baseline Study on How safe are women in our city streets” commissioned by Quezon City local government and United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (UN Women). And even more alarming is that 1 in 3 of these women experienced the worst forms of sexual harassment such as witnessing male public exposure and masturbation, and rubbing or groping (panghihipo) inside the MRT/ jeepneys.

Eau Thermale Avene introduces hydrating make-up remover to Filipino women

Cosmetic products exist to help women improve their facial features or cover imperfections. But while an average woman uses 12 different products everyday—which all in all contains about 170 ingredients according to a research by U.S. organization Skin Deep—their desire to look good might do more harm than good especially when proper skin regimen is not practiced.

This is the very reason why Eau Thermale Avène—the leading dermo-cosmetic brand in Europe—recently invited some of the country’s most prestigious beauty and wellness bloggers and members of the media at the Salon Beauvoir in Makati, City to educate them on how to properly care for their skin before, during and after applying make-up.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Shop at Lazada Philippines

Where do you usually buy things for your family? If you're a busy person probably you're like me most of the time I just shopped online. Hassle-free right? No more traffic and you can even shop while having beauty rest in the comfort of your home. In this post, I will share with you a site where I purchased most of our needed things in our house even in my family's personal care. Because there are so many fraud sites and many of them are new and offers a lot of deals that attract people, I'm sharing to you the Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Shop at Lazada Philippines.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Shop at Lazada Philippines

1. Trusted Sellers All sellers listed on Lazada have passed a thorough selection process in order to guarantee you high-quality shopping experience.

2.Buyer Protection Guarantee All purchases on Lazada are guaranteed to be genuine, new and free from defect. Can exchange or refund within 14 days for items sold by Lazada and 7 days for items sold by sellers.

3. Tracking Of Orders No worry because anytime you can track online your orders up to date.

4. Mode Of Payments offers lots of modes of payments and even cash on delivery. Yes, COD I always do that.

5. Customer Service They always answer all inquiries via phone or email as soon as they can to answer any customer's questions. Friendly customer care.

Lot of reasons to shop at Lazada,You can even shop while lying on your bed because they are also available in IOS and Google Play. It always offers great deals and new stocks. Buying online is also taking risk of course because you're spending your money so spend it wisely,choose the right and good site to buy everything you need that makes you feel effortless shopping.

Visit and Shop at Lazada Philippines 
Like their Facebook page for updates and info.HERE
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This post is an entry for the ShopCoupons X Lazada PH Blogger contest. Being hosted by ShopCoupons. Lazada voucher sponsored by Lazada Philippines.

Be naturally beautiful with Vita-E

2016 is a year for all natural, we get all serious whenever we see another DIY video on YouTube to achieve a more natural makeup, hair- do, or even a fashion OOTD. Looking natural is the way to go, achieving this looks, makes you look younger and effortlessly beautiful. Gone are the days when you put on so much blush on and foundation to cover up your blemishes, this years, trend is all about, less is more.

All Clean with ATC FATOUT

Are you all clean? Clean on the inside and the outside? Since we’re kids we’re thought to always have a good hygiene. People always make sure to teach us how to take a bath, brush our teeth, brush our hair, and stay prim and presentable at all times. Hygiene is very important in our health, but what most people forget to teach is, being clean on the inside especially our colon is very important. Worry no more because FatOut can help with that.

Banjo:Music Instrument

Most of the time I'm enjoying listening to country and folk music. What is your favorite music genre? Lately, I just found out that these kinds of music use Banjo which is a stringed musical instrument and it can be played by plucking or with a plectrum. It can be played solo or by a band

Sounds like guitar right? But it has a long neck and a round open-backed body consisting of parchment stretched over a metal hoop like a tambourine.

It's popularized and mostly played in the United States, Others Call it also a "Banjo Music" it has its own music genre and because of its popularity, many people who love music are trying it and not worry about finding where to buy it because there are websites that you can buy banjo instruments and offers many great deals and many kinds to choose.

Safety Measures in owning an iRover

"With great power comes with great responsibility" – Ben Parker

CD-R King Your one stop shop gives you an insightful iRover safety usage.

The stylish and frolicsome appeal of iRover maybe mistaken as a toy. It is apparent to many that your futuristic iRover/hoverboard is fun to play with, but it is far from being a toy. 

As per DTI’s consumer’s safety requirement, it should be clear to hoverboard enthusiasts that the gadget is intended for age 14 and above. We need to realize that we should exercise proper care when using anything that has 2-wheels. Protective gear such as helmet and wrist guards, elbow and knee pads should be worn whenever onboard a hoverboard.