geek t shirt

Your Child’s Education Shouldn’t Start & End In The Classroom


Education is one of the most important aspects of childhood, and your son or daughter deserves the very best.   
While choosing a great school for your child is essential, academic education is just the start. In truth, their growth and development should incorporate a whole host of other features. Here are some of the greatest solutions to ensure you’ve covered all the bases. 

Smiles All Round: Picking a Hotel that’s Just Right for All the Family


From making sure your hotel is in keeping with your budget to juggling the various needs of your family, booking a hotel for your upcoming vacation can feel like an overwhelming process. But it needn’t be. 

With all the right planning and preparation, you can cater for all your family’s needs so that when you arrive at your destination all you need to do is enjoy your time away. 

Your Home Is Trying To Hurt You

We hate to be the ones to tell you this, but your home may be affecting your health in a, ummm, how do we say this delicately, a harmful way. Yeah, we know this isn’t exactly the sweetest song to hear, but we thought it better to leave you informed and able to act appropriately than to keep this vital information all to ourselves and leave you blissfully unaware of your home’s vengeance against you. 

So, without leaving it another second, here are the most common and secretive ways your home could be harming the health of you and your loved ones:

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Forget About Fluorescent Lights
Yup. These little suckers can have an immensely harmful affect on your wellbeing, especially if you are enduring what scientists like to call “prolonged exposure”. We’re talking migraines, eyestrain, problems with your sleep and even a higher risk of breast cancer. That is why we beg, urge and plead you to invest in a radioactive-style suit and start replacing your fluorescent bulbs with incandescent or LED versions. 

 It Might Be Time For A Career Change

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Whether you like it or not, work is a pretty central part to all of our lives on a day to day basis. After all, if you don't work, you have no income, and no income means no food, no clothes, no roof over your head. However, that doesn't mean that you should be willing to put up with a career that you're not happy it. If you spend all of your time at work wishing you were doing anything else, and you find yourself coming home each day feeling drained and exhausted, that could well be a sign that it's time to move on to something new. Of course, doing that can often be something of a challenge for a lot of people. With that in mind, here are a few things that you can do in order to get started on a new career path.

The MICHAELA Woman Values the Fashionable and the Functional

The MICHAELA Woman is focused, driven, and knows what's modern what's worth buying. Like MICHAELA, she opts for products she can be proud of. She prides herself with its range of trendy but practical, stylish but fashionable range of women's products (apparel, bags and pouches, wallets, umbrellas, footwear, and more) - all of them of superior quality, but are reasonably priced, eco-friendly, and competes with more expensive designer brands. Now on its 12th year of success, proving that humble hard work while aiming for the practical and the fashionable; it perfectly appeals to the MICHAELA woman's need for simple, but dignified and reliable products. 

The Ups And (Many) Downs When Your Child Has A Medical Condition


As a parent, stress is a common part of life. We have experienced every gamut of emotions right from when we found out we were going to be a momma to this beautiful child, and maybe baby blues, anxiety, depression, or any extreme emotion is something we've all felt at some point. When our child has to go for any sort of treatment, it can be another thing completely when it comes to keeping a lid on our emotions. It is horrible, especially when it's something that you didn't notice early on, and perhaps had to take them to a pediatric urgent care facility before it was found and diagnosed, but you need to be a pillar of strength. So let's address the key points if your child has a medical condition.

Addressing The Condition 
From your perspective, you may feel a lot of anger towards people; from your partner to the medical authorities for not noticing this sooner, but while you could spend a lot of time playing the blame game, addressing the condition is the best way forward. As a mother, you may feel closer to your child than anybody else in the world, which means that you will experience extreme highs and lows. But addressing the condition is how you should move forward, rather than getting stuck on playing the blame game.

Managing Your Stress 
Of course, while everybody is going to feel stressed and anxious in one way or another, you need to find the right methods for you to calm down. You need to be a pillar of strength for your little one, but this unnecessary pressure may be your undoing. So, find methods that can work, there are plenty of relaxation techniques you can find online, and it may be a case of trial and error, but you owe it to yourself to operate as evenly as possible. And don't forget the importance of a support network for you, not just your child.

Wedding Jewelry for Wedding Themes

From fall foliage pictures to burgundy color schemes, fall weddings have always been a trend. With the wedding season at its peak, one needs to be prepared for all types of wedding themes. Here are a few outfits to inspire you for any wedding you might have an invite to.

The Black Tie Event

A black-tie theme can often be the go-to for many couples tying the knot. It’s a look that most people can pull together easily, but there is a way to make your outfit stand out from the classic black dresses. Instead of black, try a red or burgundy cocktail dress with some chunky gold jewelry. If your style leans more toward the simple side, AUrate has everything from flattering necklaces to simple styles of earrings. If Burgundy isn’t for you, deep emerald green can be a flattering color. Check here for Wedding Go-To Color Palettes for 2018.

Make it Economical and Ritzy: Smart Tricks into Making Your Room Appear Extravagant

Are you looking to give your bedroom a stylish character? Before you start investing in a costly designer, it is best to think cleverly and critically above all.

Spending a fortune on furniture does not guarantee an elegant look, for what precisely makes a room look like a luxe is its deliberate details. Here are some brilliant tricks in making your room appear luxurious.

Design Your Walls in Sophistication

Except that you are going for an extreme minimalist appearance, plain white walls in a bedroom can make it feel duller than extravagant. Acknowledge a little paint or wallpaper to give your bedroom an enthusiastic and a more deliberate aura.

Select an Exceptional Headboard

Incorporating an extravagant looking headboard is a foolproof way to enhance the beauty element in your bedroom. There is no need to purchase an expensive material to make a room gorgeous, but it should have a remarkable characteristic such as eye-catching color, excellent shape, considerable height or rich fabric like velvet or linen.

Highlight Fascinating Lighting

Health Focus: One Health Aspect Per Family Member


Keeping an eye on your own personal health is tough enough. You have to remember to eat right, take the supplements you need, and ensure you’re getting your full exercise quotient. Looking after yourself is tough enough, but then you have to factor in caring for your family’s needs as well-- it’s an exhausting minefield. 

So, in an effort to simplify the situation, let’s try and focus on one health area per family member. Something that is going to make a difference right now. While health can never be simplified down to a single issue all the time, focusing in one area can be a good jumping-off point if it’s been awhile since you truly focused on your health. So what’s one thing you can do per family member that will make a huge difference for your health? Let’s find out.

Forward Planning Your Health

Healthy eating is a popular topic in the society that we live in today. It’s not just food, either, it’s exercise and meditation to calm our mental health that we should always have a focus on. If you are looking after your diet and are ensuring you are keeping your body active, you can maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle for a long time.

Generally, we each try to maintain a level of good health with alcohol and junk food something we enjoy in moderation rather than often. A big part of planning to live a long and healthy life is forward planning for death. It sounds rather morbid, doesn’t it? Think about it. If you make choices with your health that means you are shortening your life, such as smoking and excessive drinking, then you are bringing your chances of death forward. If you are doing this, have you made sure you have sufficient life insurance? How about a will? These are the questions you should be asking yourself when you make bad choices about your health.

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Vintage Cars, Boat, and a Helicopter: 7 Unique Transport Ideas for Your Wedding


Finally, it is your wedding day! You probably have mixed emotions right now. The happiness and nervousness you feel are inevitable as the day when you tie the knot is fast approaching. Besides that you're about to enter a new chapter of your life, and you must also want this special day to be picture-perfect. And one way to make your wedding a memorable one is in how you make your entrance and exit impressive and spectacular. 

At weddings, you have probably witnessed various forms of wedding transport in sleek and sophisticated cars, shuttles, and limousines. However, there are other forms of wedding transportation to make your special day unique and unforgettable.

In this article, you will know some remarkable and inspiring wedding transport ideas that you might consider for your wedding. So take a read. 

Pond's Age Miracle BB+ in 25g is available at Lazada

Most of us ladies wanted to look flawless especially in our face. We have to admit that not all of us have a great skin for those wanted to cover the blemish and unwanted marks in the face we usually use foundations and concealers. Not of all of the comfortable wearing foundation every day, Right? So, Thanks to the technology and people who made the BB Cream or the Blemish Balm. It moisturizes and at the same time gives the light coverage just like foundation does. It has also SPF that protect you from the sun. In this post, I'll be featuring a BB Cream.

Will Cool Car Tech Eliminate Insurance Premiums?

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If you’ve been paying attention to the media, lately you might have noticed that some people are obsessed with the idea of autonomous cars. Volvo have even suggested that the new tech will lead to zero accidents in their cars by 2020. Some people are already suggesting that in a few years we might no longer need car insurance and at this moment, you’re probably jumping for joy. After all, no car insurance means one less bill to pay. But is this really a possibility? The answer I’m afraid is no, and there are a few reasons for this. 

Car Insurance Is A Billion Dollar Industry

If you’ve ever been in an accident, you will know that getting an insurance company to pay up can be a complete nightmare. According to, after a crash, an opposing insurance company is going to do whatever they can to keep what they have to pay out at a low level. They’re right too because insurance companies are a profit machine and if they pay too much out, they lose money. So, at this point, you have to ask whether there’s any chance of an industry this large disappearing and the answer is no. The only way the insurance companies for cars disappear altogether would be if this new tech was infallible clearly isn’t. 

Think You Can't Afford A Pet? Think Again

Caring for yourself can get expensive, never mind other beings depending on you. When you’re living on a budget, a few of life’s luxuries get left out of the shopping basket. Actually, quite a lot of them are considering the price of everything nowadays. We look up and down the shelves looking for the best deals, we go online, we shop in thrift and charity stores. However, that isn’t going to find us everything we want, and sometimes what we really want is a pet to run along at our feet with us. 

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Try Something Small First

Okay so what you really want is an adorable little kitten, or a puppy that can loll about with you in your downtime, yet that’s unrealistic to aim for straight away when you have a spending limit on a four legged friend. 

Obviously, you’re going to have to go smaller as a result. Try something like a goldfish or hamster, as they’re low maintenance pets, yet still require a lot of our input to keep them happy and healthy. Watching a fish swim around its tank is a nice backdrop to getting some work done, and can keep the kids entertained for a while. Similarly, the hamster is fluffy and can run up and down its nightclub-like enclosure, which is great for building upon. 

Capturing Life's Magical Moments

Capturing life’s magical moments is something everybody does - you can call it ‘taking pictures’ if you like! This is one way that families, friends, and just about anybody can document the most special moments to look at later on. Now, you definitely shouldn’t spend so long looking down the lense of a camera that you actually forget to enjoy the moment with your own eyes. However, knowing the best way to do it will save you so much time, hassle, and money. 


Invest In The Right Equipment
If you’re going to take the best pictures, then you’re going to want to invest in the right equipment. You don’t necessarily need to buy a screen for your background (just use the outdoors or your home) or a ring light (just get outside), but you will want a camera and a tripod. If you purchase a camera without a tripod, then you’re either going to always have one person missing from your pictures, or always going to have to ask somebody else to take it. Not ideal! A tripod means everybody is included and that the camera stays steady.  

Now, when it comes to choosing the right camera, you need to consider your lifestyle and needs. Do you mind having something big and clunky for the sake of quality, or would you rather purchase a canon camera that is a little more portable? Think of the ways you’ll be using this camera most and know what is important to you. 

Help Your Child Embrace Their Artistic Side!

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All kids like to scribble and doodle a lot of the time. I'm sure you can remember getting in trouble in class when you were a kid for doodling in the margins of your notebook! But what about when your child starts to show more dedicated and significant interest in their artistic endeavors than that? If your child starts to show some real promise as a little artist, then that can be incredibly exciting. Of course, you want to support them but knowing how exactly can often be pretty difficult. However, it doesn't need to be. Here are just a few simple things that every parent should try in order to help their child embrace their artistic talents.

Technology Designs That Make Life A Little Easier Every Day

Technology is usually designed in such a way as to improve one’s daily life as much as possible. How much it achieves this is often up for debate of course. But there are certain trends and advances which we must all agree are particularly adept at making certain things in life a lot easier. Many of these are things which we no longer recognise, perhaps even take for granted. But focusing on them every now and then can help us to appreciate how much they are really doing for us, and that will ensure that we know what to look out for in future. Let’s have a look at some of the best tech trends which make life a little easier every day.

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The Wireless Device

Something which is becoming more and more popular as time goes on is the use of wireless equipment. No matter what it is, not having wires attached to it can really make a world of difference to how we live our daily lives. Increasingly, we are seeing a move away from wires more and more, and that is hardly surprising given the way that they can get in the way. Whether it is wireless headphones from the likes of or wireless keyboards and mouses, this is something which reduces the amount of clutter and stress surrounding the technology in our lives. It will probably not be long before almost everything is wireless, and it will be interesting to see what a difference that makes.

Confidence Should Grow With Age, Not Weaken


As we age (something that seems to happen with a greater rapidity as the years pass on,) it’s easy for us to become more self-critical. After we are well entrenched in the family routine, and we have achieved most of what we wanted to do in our life, sometimes worry can set in. Are we aging gracefully? Do we really look as good as we could during our years of maturity? Why should I continue to make an effort? These are questions you have no doubt asked yourself, and sometimes they don’t have easy answers.

As we get older, this tendency to question ourselves and compare ourselves to others may grow, and become quite distressing. This is not the way it should be. After all, if you have a home, a family and even a job, the maturity years should be even more cause to celebrate. You have managed to acquire and conform to a life situation that many would be jealous of, and not only that but you’ve likely experienced all manner of beautiful things during the course of your life, enough to give you as much confidence as is possible to receive. You have nothing to prove to anyone because you have already proved to yourself that you are worthwhile and independently strong.

Tips On How You Can Save in Your Next Flight


People loves to travel, There are many reasons why people travel. Other just like to celebrate a new chapter in life with family and friends,Yes,We call it a vacation. Sometimes people travel just for leisure or start a new beginning and discover beautiful places and cultures. While many others travel for work.
Whatever reasons you may have why you travel, There are many things to consider when you planning your next flight, And the denominator of all is "save" .If you planning your next trip read this tips this might help you save while enjoying your travel.


Aging Skin? Turn Back the Clock With These Beauty Tips

None of us can escape the aging process. Soon enough, those pesky age lines will appear on our faces and the process of getting old will begin. But, there are a few things you can do to keep your skin looking as young as possible for as long as possible. No, there isn’t a magic elixir that can turn back time as soon as your skin starts to age. But, taking care of your skin will mean you’ll be able to look fabulous at any age. So, what are the secrets?


Don’t Plough on the Make-Up

When you’re having a bad day and you’ve got dark circles under your eyes, along with blemishes you could really do without, it’s tempting to apply more make-up in an effort to cover up your imperfections. But, the more makeup you used, the older you tend to look. There’s nothing more youthful looking than fresh, natural skin. So, instead of covering yourself in concealer, only use a dot of it in places where it’s really needed. Make-up isn’t natural for the skin, so you could find that it damages your skin if you use a lot of it.

Preggy and Well-Dressed: 5 Ways To Be Impeccably Stylish During Pregnancy

In the past, the majority of pregnant women faced the dilemma of buying new clothing items and wearing old clothes and didn't even bother or consider buying maternity clothes. They only have little concern for their appearance because they tend to feel out of shape or unshapely during the pregnancy stage.

Fast forward to the present day, this is no longer the case, a lot of modern pregnant women socialize, work and even travel abroad. Thus the need to feel comfortable and attractive is high among them. In general, the appropriate clothing requirements for expecting mothers today are different.

If you’re one of those expecting moms who want to look good all the time, rest assured, there are ways to do so during pregnancy. Check them out below.

We Might Hate Misfortune, but It Keeps Us on Our Toes

Who hates to experience misfortune? Pretty much everyone. No one wants to be in a bad situation in life. Everyone wants to live happily ever after without the fear of something bad happening to ruin their lives. However, that’s not how the world works and everyone should understand that misfortune is something that can affect anyone in the world. It’s a combination of bad luck and a lack of knowledge that ultimately create bad fortune.

While it’s understandable that people hate misfortune, it does actually help to keep us on our toes. Without a threat or something negative in our lives, we won’t proactively try to avoid it. Take medicine as an example. No one likes to have a stomach ache. It causes plenty of pain, it makes us immobile sometimes and it can even cause life-long issues if not treated properly.

The active threat of a stomach ache is why everyone tries to eat healthily. We don’t stuff our stomachs with a mixture of different foods until we’re bloated and we try to stay away from out of date foods. These are basic proactive measures that help us fight the threat of a stomach ache, and they’re usually pretty effective as well. In other words, the idea of getting a stomach ache makes us eat more healthily, it puts an emphasis on our diets and it ultimately keeps us on our toes.


6 Essentials for 20-Somethings Spending and Splurging


Your twenties are an interesting transitional time in your life. Your well out of the teenage and adolescence years but early in the adulting phase of your life. In your twenties, your income certainly begins to increase but so do all of your expenses. As a young aspiring individual, monitoring and prioritizing your spending can often become a challenge. Here are my 6 essentials for spending (or splurging) in your 20’s:

Beauty On A Budget: Simple Tips To Make Your Money Work Harder

The desire to look your best is something that never fades regardless of age or circumstance. Perfecting your image does come at a cost, however, which can cause a major problem. After all, you have far better things to spend your hard earned cash on. So, while you cannot escape the expense, finding ways to get more bang for your buck is key. 
There are several ways to reduce the costs. Here are just six that will help you massively. 


Simple Ways To Improve Your Memory

Looking after your health is important, especially as you get older. Eating right and exercising regularly is the best way to keep on top of your physical health but we often neglect our mental health. The effects of poor brain health aren’t as obvious as physical health so it’s more difficult to know if there’s a problem before it’s too late. If your physical health is suffering, you’ll notice yourself putting on weight or getting out of breath easily but you might not notice if your memory is slowly getting worse. That’s why it’s important to take steps to keep your mind sharp, even if you feel ok. Here are some of the best ways to do it. 


Get Enough Sleep 

A worrying number of people aren’t getting enough sleep. Studies by the CDC found that 1 in 3 people don’t get the recommended seven hours of sleep each night. Not getting enough sleep causes so many different health problems that you probably wouldn’t have thought of. It has been linked to an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, but it also has a big effect on your brain. Memory is seriously affected if you aren’t getting enough sleep, and it also reduces your cognitive ability in general. There are a few reasons that you might not be sleeping enough. The first is probably your mattress. If you’ve got a bad one, you won’t rest properly every night. You might think that buying a mattress is simple but there are so many different types that it can be difficult to get to grips with. Visit for some great information on all of the different types available and the benefits of each. That should help you to find a good mattress that encourages healthy sleep.  

Using your phone before bed also makes it far more difficult to get to sleep. The light from the screen tricks your brain into thinking that it’s still daytime and stops it from releasing hormones that encourage you to sleep. Try to avoid using your phone for a few hours before going to be, you’ll find that it’s far easier to drift off. 

Eat Fish 

There’s a reason that people sometimes refer to fish as brain food. The Omega-3 oils in the fish are incredibly good for brain health. Studies into the benefits of fish found that people that eat it regularly are around 60 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s in later life. Eating seafood even once a week slows brain degradation down by around 10 percent so you’ll be sharper for longer. Visit for more information. 

Mental Workouts 

Most people are engaging in the same activities every single day but your brain doesn’t like that. It’s better for your brain health if you engage in new activities that are unexpected. Using your brain for lots of different activities gives it a better workout and keeps it healthy. Think of it in the same way as your body, if you just exercised your arms and nothing else, you wouldn’t be healthy. You need a wide range of exercises. Taking a break every now and again to do puzzles is a brilliant way of improving your memory.

Even though you can’t see the effects of it on the surface, you should always keep it on top of your memory. 

New Doublemint Slim Pack Launches with a Facebook Promo Full of Sur-Prizes

The BER months are here so it is the time of the year to prepare your wish lists. Are you asking Santa for a new friend this Christmas? To meet the love of your life? Or a brand new laptop? Here’s a chance to make them come true with the new Doublemint Mints Slim Pack!
With its slim and convenient packaging that lets you get fresh breath on the go, you will never again miss that opportunity to talk to the girl who sat beside you on your bus ride to work. Or finally have the confidence to approach that one person who will eventually be your best friend at school. Just slide and pop a mint wherever, whenever, and it will leave your mouth feeling cool and fresh!

No Classroom Required: Could Homeschooling Be The Right Choice For Your Family?


All over the world homeschooling is growing in popularity - once just the bastion of a select few, more and more families are now seeing the benefits of learning in a non-traditional way, with approximately 3.4% of American children now being educated in this way. But what makes them choose this path, and could it be the right fit for your family?

Embracing Individuality

One of the main problems with a traditional school environment is that it is very difficult for a teacher to give individual attention to everyone in the class, even with teaching assistants and parent volunteers to help out. All children learn in different ways and at different rates, so a big benefit of homeschooling is being able to tailor it to your particular child's needs. Are they a kinaesthetic individual who learns through doing, or maybe an auditory learner, who learns better by listening to you and repeating it back?  Homeschooling means that you can not only play to their strengths, but also to their interests - if your child is going through a phase where they love dinosaurs then it can be a great opportunity to learn about that era, including the geography and science that goes along with it. Just playing with Lego can provide many opportunities to learn about STEM subjects... the options are endless, and you can work with your child to ensure they have the best possible learning experience.

Finding the best and durable low-maintenance cottage flooring

In the city, you can see many tall buildings and modern houses. But in rural and semi-rural places, cottages are mostly seen and a quite popular type of residence. It is typically a small and intimate dwelling of farm workers and laborers. 

Today, more people want a traditional home, so they prefer to have a modern cottage designed house. The others restore their old cottage where they usually spend holidays with friends and family. Cottages are now strategically located near beaches, rivers or lakes which are mostly built for vacations. Tourist industry or private individuals make cottages for renting accommodations which currently widely practiced in different countries.

Choosing The Right Flooring

When planning for your home improvement or your thinking or having a revamp for your office there are lot of things to consider,From the paint to be use,What type and kind of design,The materials,and many other things that are importantly to have a deep thinking before starting your project.
One of the big one to consider in planning is the flooring,It is the any material applied over a floor structure to provide a walking surface also known as as a permanent covering of a floor.
Over the years,Online shopping is IN,You can buy even in home improvement materials not just cabinets,Tables but also flooring.
In this article,I will discuss some of the things or you can use it as guide when choosing the right flooring.

Is virtual reality a good or bad thing?

Virtual reality is one of the hottest upcoming technologies of this era. Virtual reality has come and hit us like a storm. There is no denying that virtual reality is a breathtaking innovation in the race of modern technologies. It has the potential to revolutionize the way people live and interact with each other.

 Today, in this article, we will tell you all about the pros and cons of virtual reality. We will briefly describe is virtual reality good or bad for you. We will discuss its benefits and its consequences and after reading this article you will surely be able to judge whether it is good or a bad thing. 

There are many people who want to share information but could not get the right traffic. Well, your worries have come to an end because now you can buy followers, likes, views and subscribers   easily. 

Here is all the information you need to evaluate whether virtual reality a good or a bad thing but first of all you need to know what virtual reality is.

VIRTUAL REALITY: Virtual reality is a computer technology that uses virtual reality headsets in combination with multi projected conditions, to produce realistic sounds, images and sensations which mimic the user's real appearance into the virtual situation. 

This virtual reality effect is created by the headsets which consist of head mounting goggles with a screen on it. 

When the user looks around by those glasses an artificial world is generated and the user interacts with the virtual features with the help of high-quality virtual reality equipment.

Skin Secrets Straight Out Of Hollywood

Have you always wondered how Hollywood starlets keep their skin so radiant all the time? Lots of actresses, models, and pop singers have fresh, glowing skin, you might be thinking that it’s only possible with certain Instagram filters and Photoshop software. In actual fact, it’s not always down to some tech tricks in the post-editing suite. Hollywood skin is achievable even for us mere mortals. Want to know some of Hollywood’s best-kept secrets? Read on to find out more!


Don’t Neglect Sun Care

It can get really hot in Hollywood during the summer months, so all of the biggest stars know that sunscreen is super important for their red-carpet looks. In fact, it’s an important part of their skincare routine even on their days off. Wearing sunscreen every day under your makeup can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age-lines that can be caused by excessive exposure to the sun. If you take a look on, you will find a selection of foundations with an SPF factor that can provide a minimal level of sun protection. However, it’s only minimal, and always a good idea to wear sunscreen as well.