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Vitamins for Kids by UNILAB

I always believe in the saying that "prevention is better than cure".When i became a mother,I always make sure that my children are always healthy and protected.I'm always worried about their health,What I gave to them everyday is the Ceelin to keep them safe and be protected from illness.I called it super vitamins duo for my kids.My kids are my everything so to make sure that they're getting the right nutrients,Aside from eating healthy food i gave them Ceelin and Ceelin Plus "siguradong protektado"

"Ascorbic Acid (Ceelin) increases body resistance to stress and infections and hastens recovery from illnesses and the healing of wounds. Also indispensable in the formation and maintenance of firm and healthy gums, teeth, cartilages, osteoid tissues, blood vessels, and connective tissues. These nutritional supplements are used for the prevention and treatment of deficiencies of vitamin C and zinc."
Why i added Ceelin Plus?"Because Vitamin C and zinc together help the body’s natural defense against damaging free radicals (antioxidant effect) and help boost immune function".

I Want Seats: Real-Time Online Bus Reservation

We all hate when waiting in line in terminals it consumes so much of our time,Why wait in line when you can book online with iWantSeats.What is iWantSeats?Keep Reading.

iWantSeats is an online bus booking platform in the Philippines. Currently offering deluxe trips to Baguio and Baler to and from Manila via JoyBus, more routes will be added to serve you!

Booking your bus ticket has never been as easy as booking your hotels and airline tickets! With just a few clicks, you can reserve and confirm your seat and just go to the terminal on the day of your trip. 

Explore new places, or travel to and from your city without having to wait hours at the terminal as a chance passenger. 
No more stress and tired when you the book to iWantSeats and enjoy more of your trip. 

Book to Baguio or Baler now at 

Watch out for new trips coming soon!

Calmoseptine:My kids ointment for their skin

Zinc Oxide+Calamine
Calmoseptine ointment

When my eldest son had these red patches in his skin that makes him scratches because he feels itchy,I was like omg what i'm gonna put,"Stop scratching!","Don't sit anywhere","Don't touch anything and don't play dirty things".I'm turning crazy hahaha!.
My son had an eczema,I tried many creams and lotions,soaps still it's there.I feel useless i can't do anything for his skin.
This Calmoseptine is for my younger little one,For his diaper rash.What really amazed me was when i tried to used it for Mikael,The itchiness of his skin's lessen and also the redness.
Now i always buy Calmoseptine this is so affordable,It's just less than $1 in drugstore.Empties up to 3 days,Not bad because it's not that hard to find and affordable.
This is Made in USA.
Multi Purpose Moisture Barrier Ointment Which protects,Soothes,and Helps promote healing of skin irritations from many diseases.
How to use: Cleanse the affected area,Let it dry and apply 2-4 times or more daily to promote comfort and protection.
Safe to use.