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Jigsaw Puzzles:Things To Do When Alone at Home Midnight

You think its a creepy post because halloween is everywhere and we are all excited especially kids.But,Not all places are safe to be outside even at late at night so I suggest you and with your  kids should stay at home to be safe.
Sometimes,When my husbands having an overtime work at office,Me with kids are alone,And ofcourse i'm wide wake,Up until my husban's arrive even if he comes home dawn.Here are the things that i usually do for us to be safe:

1.Lock the Door-Always Check the main door and the back door,Including windows.
2.Put a knife inside the room-But keep it hidden away from kids,So incase of emergency something happens you have something with you.
3.Always be Alert-Ready and keep your mind focus.

The night is always long,For me not to be bored i put on my headset and listen music but with a lowest volume for me to hear when there's a noise  or something.
Still you want to know the best to do at night when alone?Tadaaaa!

To fight boredom you can do  jigsaw puzzles "JSPuzzles is a gaming website born out of a love for jigsaw puzzles." Theres a lot of themes you can choose it is a friendly-game website that alows users to play as a guest or you can sign up and play or even upload your own puzzles.

There's a choices of pieces you can play it means if you're not a pro it's ok you'll getting there.Start with a 9 pieces and so on.It's so enjoying because it's mobile friendly too you can play it with your smartphone. Did i me tion that you can play the puzzles for FREE ?Yes,It's free so you can play anytime you like.
You can rate and share it too.Take note,You can do it with your kids and even if day time ofcourse,It's a great way to bond with family with your favorite snacks.

Check the now and bookmark it surely you'll gonna love playing different themes.Let me know when you do and don't forget to share this game too.