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Emotional Overeating: Improving Your Relationship With Food

Food is powerful stuff, people, and our relationship with it can often be traced back to our earliest years. It’s a reward for good behaviour, a treat that triggers positive feelings, and its absence may even be used as a punishment when you didn’t finish your dinner. When you’re feeling low and in need of comfort, a decent chocolate bar can actually do you a lot of good; it’s why you keep coming back for more. 

Image via: Pexels

By always answering your negative emotions by eating them all up, you’re encouraging this habit, though, and could easily fool yourself into thinking that another slice of cake will take the pain away. In some cases, it will - but not if you always turn to the fridge for comfort.

Here is how you can conquer your emotional binge-eating once and for all, regain control, and improve your relationship to food.

How To Do A Sew In?

How to do a sew in? This is what the majority of women want to learn, through which they can achieve their desired look at minimum costs. Fast changing fashion trend is accompanied by a large amount of demands and a big market of hair products. Today there are many kinds of hair products in the market, giving ladies convenience to change their hairstyle easily. Wig, bundle, closure and weave, etc. has been gained great popularity. Among which, weave and bundles boast of great versatility. Maxglam is a company specializes in hair industry. Deep wave weave and cheap hair bundles are recommended to you.

Soft Surfaces are Child friendly

Playgrounds are another kid's favorite place. They can play with every other kid under the sun, Enjoying fresh air. Parents also can rest while looking out for their little ones. But there are also many hidden dangers and playgrounds, we parents cannot assure that every place is safe for our kids not unless people who manage the playgrounds say so.

How Can we know that the playground is safe for kids? Accidents happen anytime, Any minute harm can happen. But, we can protect our kids by sending them to playgrounds that are safe. We can ask and suggests in our community, talk to other parents and promote safety for everyone.

Soft Surfaces Ltd has a great deal of experience in dealing with various projects in the sports and play industry. Offers a range of different products and services for nurseries, schools, sports clubs, and other leisure facilities being the specialists in the recreational play and sports industry. One is the Soft Surfaces resin-bound gravel which is a popular outdoor paving option.
This surface type is made by mixing stone aggregate with a specialist resin which creates a smooth and porous surface.

Contact them now for more information on the surface specifications, because there are many resin-bound products that can be installed depending on soft Surfaces and resin-bound graveling on individual requests. See the link above and get professional advice from Soft Surfaces.

As a parent, we can do 101% safe every place for kids, that's why we choose the best quality in everything.

Playing Bingo is Fun!

Bingo is one of the popular games,A game of luck and chance.Thanks to internet because bingo can now be played online.Playing bingo is gives not only fun but it can also improves our concentration,improves our memory.

Have you try playing bingo?How was it?You can ask your grandparents for basic tutorials or you can also search it online.

After learning on how to play bingo you probably play it more and more,But unfortunately you don't have much time sitting down in front of your computer,That is why best mobile bingo sites is created. To give you more fun and convenient while playing,Lot of games are available in our smartphone that is easy to download,We enjoying playing games why not play bingo and earn some cash,Enjoy while earn something like that.There are many available bingo apps that don't have sign up bonus ,Some offer free bonus.

Friendly reminder just enjoy the game anytime anywhere. 

Colgate-Palmolive Available Now at Lazada!

Most of us buy our things online, Less hassle especially when the brand you're looking for is also available online and you can also grab some great deals without going to the supermarket and stuck in a heavy traffic.

Our Favorite Colgate Toothpaste brand is also available at Lazada and now they are proud to introduce us the new variant which is the new Colgate Active Salt Toothpaste.

It has:

 ●Powerful Formula with Salt
 ● Helps Fight Germs
 ● Refreshing Mint Taste

For a healthy gums and teeth

An Introverts Guide to making Friendships Online

Sometimes, making friends can be really hard. Whether you’re in a work environment, at school, university or in general social situations, being approachable with others can be a stressful time for the introvert. Below are some ways in which you can make friends online and take your time being friendly and outgoing from the comfort of your own home.


Sometimes, sharing your passion for something close to you is one way to find lasting friendships online. Whether your passion is gaming, a TV show, reading, or even something more out there like model painting, you can find the forum for you. 

One way of finding forums is through search engines. You can always Google “reading forum” or “fashion forum”. However, with sites like Reddit and Tumblr, you can create a page that’s just for your hobby and find like minded people along the way. 

5 Best Muscle Relaxing Tips You Need

You have just completed a tough task or workout, you should be feeling proud of how hard you have worked and what benefits you will be getting as a result but there is also another side to it, soreness in the muscles. Not only do you have to fortify your muscles to develop, but you should likewise give them enough relaxation and rest to repair and heal themselves so they will become stronger. In this article, I have shared some great tips to help you relax your muscles.

Green Malay Kratom

The herbal plant Kratom has its origin in Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It is in use in various countries for different health purposes like energy boosters, sleeping disorders, pain relievers, mental calmness, overcoming depression and stress, etc. Kratom which is used to relax the muscles is Green Malay Kratom.

The user of Green Malay Kratom feels its stress level to fall dramatically. Due to its ability to reduce anxiety, stress, and pain, Green Malay Kratom soothes the stiff muscles of the user providing emotional and muscle relaxation to the user. 

 Fast But Effective Workouts For Busy Moms

Just because we have kids doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t look fit and healthy, fierce and fabulous. Ah, but who has the time? We’re told that being a Mom is a full-time job but when our children are born we realize that it’s not just your full-time job, it’s your entire life. A full-time job, however demanding, at least has lunch breaks, sick pay and the knowledge that you can clock off at the end of the day. Parenthood is a vocation that demands every minute of every day, it’s a fast-paced race against the clock that begins the moment your baby’s eyes open for the first time and ends… well, we’ll have to get back to you on that!

This constant battle against time leaves us very little opportunity to look after our bodies, as we muddle through the day relying on unhealthy convenience foods. Despite your burning desire to get your pre-baby body back it’s easy to feel that you just don’t have the time away from baby to get back in shape. 

The great news is that you don’t have to spend hours slaving away at the gym. You can make really significant gains without even letting your baby out of your sight. No more will motherhood be the reason you can’t take care of yourself.

Image credit

Minimum time, maximum effort

The most effective exercises use short bursts of high intensity so instead of going for a lengthy jog, opt for alternate turns briskly walking and sprinting. Yes, you can even do this with strollers, though some, such as the jog and stroll, are better equipped for fast movement than others. By alternating between gentle and intense exercises your body doesn’t have a chance to catch up and plateau as it does on a more leisurely jog. 

Is Too Much Booze Bringing Your Life Down?


When we’re young, most of us enjoy going out to parties. If anything, drinking alcohol at this age is encouraged and even somewhat expected. When you’re in college or university most of us are sucked in by cheap student bars and even cheaper drinks. Parties are widely accepted, and it’s a time in your life when people know you are letting your hair down a bit and having fun. As time goes on, however, most people’s relationship with alcohol changes. When you get a job, have a family, or have other commitments it becomes more of something you enjoy on special occasions. A full night of partying might be replaced with a glass of wine at a dinner party. However, if you’re still drinking like you did when you were young, it can be a bit of a problem and could be a sign of addiction. 

According to, addiction is generally divided into two categories: chemical and psychological addiction. Chemical, also known as physical addiction occurs when the body is physically dependent on a substance. It cannot properly function without it, and you will develop strong withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol, certain drugs, and cigarettes are all examples of this kind of addiction. Psychological addiction is when emotion drives you to an action, such as shopping or gambling- while your body isn't dependent the brain can give very intense urges and cravings meaning it’s still incredibly difficult to overcome. It gets tricky when the two combine. In the case of physical addiction like with alcohol, you are often psychologically dependent too-  explains more on this.

If you’re battling an addiction, the first step is to admit you have a problem. People can be in denial for years, which is easily done when it comes to drinking. No one will bat an eyelid at someone having a glass of wine at a social function or a beer after work. But the problem comes when you become dependent on these kinds of things. Perhaps you hide the true amount you drink from people or feel guilty about it. If you think things have taken a turn in this direction, you could talk to your GP, or a friend, or phone up a helpline. From there you can work out the steps to recovery to get back on track- it’s the best thing for your mental and physical health. The right treatment will depend on your current health and your personal situation, but spending time in a rehab center like could be one way to go. As well as helping you to detox, it could aid you in gaining a new perspective.

Who is Dr. Paolo Bellosillo?

Doc Pao is one of the kindest, if not the kindest doctor that you will ever meet. A lot of doctors say that they care about their patients but trust you me when I say that Dr. Paolo Bellosillo truly, madly, deeply cares for his patients in every way of form.

We had the chance to sit down and talk to Doc Pao amidst his busy schedule and here’s what we were able to discuss.

Sick of Baby Brain: 4 Tips for Getting Things Done

Before you have kids, you think that baby brain can’t possibly be a real thing. New mothers are tired and bound to get confused and flustered from time to time. But, many studies have already shown that baby brain is in fact tied to hormones. So, if you’re leaving your car keys in the fridge and trying to get into your car with a piece of cheese, it isn’t just fatigue that’s making you do it. Having said this, there are some ways you can be prepared to battle the baby brain. Here they are.

Make Lists

A pen and paper can be sent from the heavens when you’re trying to figure out why you forgot your mother’s birthday last week. For new mothers who are usually organized, dealing with a baby brain can be a really upsetting experience. Writing down lists can help you to remember things you don’t want to forget. It’s often helpful to have your lists right in front of you. So, sticking a large chalkboard to the fridge can be of benefit. When you have a quiet five minutes, write your list and try to tick things off as you go along.

Give your family the serious protection

Lately i feel sick,Maybe i'm just stressed and tired but it's different,It's like i'm weak everytime i do little chores.I have two kids,The eldest is 5 years with ASD and the youngest is 3 years old and still breastfed.Imagined how i handle everyday our situation.Then,I just found out these informations.

Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption among infants, If Vitamin D Concentration in the mother’s breast milk is low (which, as studies show, is usually the case), this may lead to Vitamin D Deficiency in infants. Vitamin D Deficiency in infants can cause “rickets, delayed motor development, muscle weakness, aches and pains, and fractures” (see: Vitamin D Supplementation for breastfeeding mothers is important to help provide Vitamin D requirements of the breastfeeding infant. However, 7 out of 10 Filipinos are Vitamin D Deficient.