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Stories from the hearts of (kitchen) stars

A lot us have precious memories about cooking, sharing, and eating meals with the people we love. Maybe it’s waking up on Sunday mornings knowing that lola is baking pan de sal and making breakfast. Maybe it’s coming home from a long day at school or work and being greeted by the smell of dinner cooking on the stove. Or maybe it’s when you’d be feeling down or sick and someone would make you that soup that you’ve been craving for.

Whatever it is, it is easy to see why the kitchen is the heart of every Filipino home. It holds our fondest memories and keeps the histories of our families—our triumphs and tragedies, our loves and losses.

The endurance of ages
Ann Puno raised her children on home cooking. Back then, she was just a simple housewife with an amazing talent for baked goods, and her children must have grown up relishing homemade meals, occasionally paired with her amazing desserts.

Vivo continues to usher the industry to the future with its forward-looking tech

When young global smartphone brand Vivo entered the mobile industry, the market was dominated by two or three names. But in a matter of years, Vivo changed the game.   

Vivo has been determined to break barriers and introduce technology that ushered the industry into the future. After all, it was Vivo that introduced a 20-megapixel dual front camera in V5 Plus and a 24MP front camera in V7, V7+, and V9.

The V5 is the first smartphone with a 20MP camera.

Technology Changes Us?

As we grow old many changes things happens,There are many examples of this things one of it is the technology,yes technology nowadays are far from what it was 20 years ago.Social media became one of the tools for business owners to advertise and promote their products worldwide without spending too much in an advertisement company.It reaches many potential customers in an instant and deliver news quickly.

Internet is very important this days.Many job has been done easily with internet.Working in an office with work papers to be done internet is also needed.Different individuals needs internet in their different areas of works.

Technology affect our lives differently,It may gives us positive and negative impact.It changes our lives,makes our life hassle free.TV,Laptop,Smartphones,Washing Machines,Refrigerator and other things that makes our everyday life comfortable.Look around you everything is run by a technology.

6 Ways You Can Improve Your Garden's Look this Spring

Spring is here, and with it comes a new chance to impress your friends, visitors and neighbors with your garden. However, instead of just resting on your laurels and simply reviving your garden, why not take this time to reinvent your pride and joy? This will not only earn you more appreciative stares and admiring glances, it can also make your garden healthier. That said, here are some of the ways you can improve your garden’s appearance this spring.
  1. Install a water feature. When it comes to giving your garden a brand new lease on life— especially after a long and arduous winter—nothing ever comes close to the restorative and transformative effect that installing a brand new water feature can bring. Aside from becoming a perfect centerpiece for your new plants and flowers, it also helps in purifying and humidifying the air in your garden and improving the overall atmosphere around your home. Water features come in many different styles and models, too, so you’re sure to find one that works for you and your budget.
  2. Clear out your plants from last season. Depending on which state you’re in and how cold your winters get, there’s a good chance that not many of your plants from last season survived the cold. As soon as the snow and ice melt, make time to immediately clear out all your dead seasonal plants and add it to your compost heap. This will provide your garden soil with all the nutrients it needs to help your new spring season plants flourish beautifully, so make sure to render it all into mulch.

Vivo Y85 is now available in PH

Global smartphone brand Vivo has released a new model of its Y series in the Philippines. The Vivo Y85 is now available nationwide.

The new Y series smartphone has a 6.22-inch FullView™ Display and a 13-megapixel plus 2MP dual rear camera. This smartphone also has AI and face access capabilities.

Vivo Y85 also has an 8MP front camera with Face Beauty, HDR, and Portrait features. It also has 4GB of RAM and 32GB of storage.

4 Simple Things That Make Men Deliriously Happy

A relationship coach and editor of Loveawake dating site named Alex Wise sent over these tips via his publicist. We typically don’t reprint third-party articles, and we are certainly not endorsing this guy since we don’t know him, but his advice seemed pretty cool these days. Ready? Here it is:

Women spend over $80 million a year on magazines that promise to give them the secrets to make their men happy.

Again, that stat was totally made up. But I bet you read it and thought to yourself: "You know, I bet that's pretty accurate." Women are constantly trying to decipher the code of what to do to make the guy their dating consider settling down, and what to do to make their husbands stay interested. And they will spend a lot of money to do it. Well, being the generous and benevolent Mystery Man that I am, I'm going to give you advice that is just as effective as what you'll pay for in a glossy magazine at the check-out counter. And not only is the advice free but what the advice suggests is either cheap or free. How's that for savings? Anyway, here are four simple things that make men deliriously happy. Do these things, and you'll have a happy life of love:

5 Tips For Surviving Your Next Move

If you could just pinpoint one thing in life that is always going to cause you the most stress, what would it be? No matter who you are, what your life looks like, or where you’re from, it’s safe to say that moving house will be up there. Moving house has been recorded as one of the most stressful things that anyone could ever do. And for a very good reason. Just think about it - you essentially uproot your life as you know it now, and you then have to settle it all back in somewhere else. And that can be tough! However, it really doesn’t have to be impossible. You can survive it! So if you have a move coming up, here’s how you’re going to get through it.

1. Pack In Advance
First of all, you have to get ahead of the game. No buts! You just can’t leave everything until the last minute if you want to be organized. If you’re okay with it being a rush, then go ahead, don’t plan. But if you really want to nail this and find that moving day is a complete breeze, you have to get yourself ready way in advance. And we’re talking months or weeks if you have them. You won’t need to use everything in your house, so there will be pieces you can pack up way ahead of time, just to give yourself a head start.

Unilever All Things Hair- All Out Summer Sale

LAZADA will be having sale again and this time the brand UNILEVER will be having their All Things Hair-All Out Summer Sale from May 24-31.Because it's important to take care of our hair Unilever gives you the chance to hoard your favorite hair care brand.

Destress your tresses with TRESEMME.

Get runway ready with up to 30% OFF on Tresemme’s styling products & 25% OFF on Keratin Smooth and Detox & Nourish shampoo and conditioner

Old and Modern Times Boho Wall Tapestry

Wall Tapestry is a craftsmanship from the old times. They follow and weave in accordance with a painters design. According to Wiki, a tapestry is a woven decorative fabric. The tapestry-makers or artisans intertwine each color back and forth follows an area of the small pattern. It is weft-faced weave with threads of different colors over portions of the warp to form the design. The weavers use a natural warp thread. The threads are cotton or wool but it may include silk, gold, silver and other alternatives.

In the past centuries, only the affluent family can afford to buy a tapestry. It is so costly for those with average income.

5 Easy Ways To Teach Your Kids Balance School And Sports

Balance is key to a healthy lifestyle. As parents, it’s vital you instill health values in your children at a young age. With so many healthy options available nowadays, it’s easier than ever to encourage your children to be active and healthy every day! One of the best ways to keep kids active is through sports. Balancing school and sports can be a challenge if you aren’t careful. Here are 5 easy ways to teach your kids balance for school and sports!

  1. Stay Organized

The first step to balancing both school and sports is staying organized. The school year is hectic enough on its own! When you add sports into the daily mix, it can be overwhelming to keep track of everything from homework to away games. Make it a priority to stay organized and include your kids in the process! Organization is a vital life skill, yet many skills don’t learn it until later in life. It’s never too early to get your kids involved in organizing their own activities. Help them prioritize their activities and schoolwork so you can make the most of your time.

4 Tips on How To Choose a Canvas Wall Art for your Home

Owning a new home is a dream come true. Finally, you have the freedom to renovate your own house and decorate it according to your taste. Now, you have the reason to keep a budget for the said wall decorations. But, the question is how will you choose a wall art for your home? Below are some of the tips that will help you get through.

Measure The Wall Area
Make sure to check the size of the wall that you want to hang the wall art pieces. I don't think a tiny art frame sits well on a huge wall. Even a huge art piece on a small-sized wall. Leave a space to hang in between.

Zaful Swimsuit Finds for Girls

I searched the Internet for my kid's swimsuit. We plan to go to a beach this weekend. I found an online clothing store named Zaful that sells awesome swimsuits for girls at a cheap price. Zaful is a one-stop-shop online. They have affordable collections with exceptional quality and excellent design.

The vision of Zaful review is to provide the latest designs and offers selected clothing, shoes, and accessories. They aspire to a simple line of dresses that makes you unique amongst others.

After I went through a long selection see more details there are two pieces of clothing that are sold out. I had to choose another two and here they are:

Sleeping Tips For The Fatigued & Exhausted Parent

The first time we bring our children home from the hospital, many feelings can wash over us. Not only do our bodies feel much different from suddenly completely reversing the effects of the pregnancy, but our minds can feel quite fatigued. This, combined with the pure joy and excitement at having a new little one in the home can all combine into a strange, wonderful eerie, and cathartic experience. You can feel reborn and equally completely wrung out in equal measure here.

Then, the lack of sleep will hit you. Our poor babies are of course completely learning to be a new person, and so every small thing might make them cry or when the age arrives, for them to laugh. It’s your duty to ensure every single part of their existence is taken care of. What a privilege! But also, what an absolute task to contend with. When being kept up at night and seeing to feedings, nursing them back to sleep or enduring the crying for night after night, you may feel amazed at how many parents have managed to keep their sanity without so much of a wink of sleep for so long.

How to Keep Kids Happy on a Vacation in London

It's no secret that family vacations can sometimes cause just as much stress as the day-to-day routine you’re trying to temporarily escape from. The younger kids tire easily, the older kids get moody, and your significant other gets tired and moody from trying to keep the kids happy.

If you’re planning a family vacation to London, use these pro travel tips to ensure a memorable getaway that every member of the family will enjoy! Here’s how to make your London vacation a raving success!

My #TibayNiNanay Story

I don't have an idea what is the meaning of motherhood until I became a mother.They say that it is a kind of job a 24/7 job that has no salary,and yes it is.
I grew up with my grandmother took care of me.I look up to her,The way she take care her children including me was amazing.She's a wonderwoman to me.

The love of mother is incomparable and it is forever.Being a mother is not only by giving birth of a child,but it's the way how you take care of your children,how your protect them and shower them with your love.There are no manuals on how to be a mother,and for me by being a mother is an ending profession.

Law Firm for A Personal Accidents and Personal cases Injury

Accident happens anywhere and anytime,No matter how careful you are, you wouldn't know when will you get injury.There are so many damage and injury in accident because it happens unexpectedly,unintentionally.

Some of the accidents that is common is car accident.To help avoid this accident happen apply the Stop,Look and Listen.If you are driving always follow the speed limits and keep your eyes on the road and always follow the rules of the road.

Flabby Arms? No Problem!

    Filipinos are known to be some of the most observant and tactless people on Earth. While some wouldn’t bat an eye when their weight is noticed, there are some who see this as a way to be humiliated, embarrassed, or think lowly of themselves. There’s absolutely nothing wrong about being thicker than some people, but if it really means a lot, there are a lot of treatments for such “problems”.

    One of the most difficult things to deal with is having flabby arms and not having the courage to wear whatever you want to wear. For some, dealing with this is no easy task especially if they work the whole day for the whole week. For some, finding the time to exercise is a challenge especially if they also want time to rest. Finding the perfect treatment for this can be frustrating, but with the technological advancements being made today, it has become easier and more accessible.

What is ad-hoc reporting?

For many reasons ad-hoc reporting is very important in business as an intelligence tools.Effective ad hoc reporting tells a story with your data to answer your user’s toughest reporting questions.

Users can create their own ad hoc reports when and where they need it with an intuitive drag and drop report design interface with Izenda.

If you are in a business you understand the importance of reports and the data.There are numbers of reports everyday in a company that is why another tool or way of viewing those reports is through ad hoc reporting.

Ad-hoc reporting is way different from the traditional reporting,Much more improved and complete less work for the IT team and easy to use.This tool can be used by any department single team or not.

How To Avoid Leg Pain When Running

Last April 22,2018 I was one of the thousands of runners who run to save the planet earth.This event is called 'Nat Geo Earth Day Run' one of the most awaited and well-attended running event every year.

The National Geographic Earth Day Run Year 9 was successful, I've joined and run in different fun runs events but this event was different and truly an Earth Run because you can't see disposable cups at the hydration area.They provided a water bottle that makes less usage of plastics.Hope that in other future fun runs they will also get the idea of providing water bottle to the runners so after the event no plastic cups will be scattered on the road.