geek t shirt

Always Injured? Your Bad Diet Could Be To Blame

Few people associate diet with the risk of becoming injured. After all, eating vegetables doesn’t give you a suit of armor that protects you against external threats, like car accidents, falls, or slips. The effects of food operate on the inside. 

It turns out, though, that the effects of diet on your body are more profound than you might think. And, indeed, they can prevent serious injury from occurring. 

For instance, in most car accidents, people get compensation through personal injury protection (PIP). Accidents jar their bones, damage their muscles, and lead to lasting injuries. 

But what if what you ate made a difference to the likelihood of experiencing a severe, lasting injury? It sounds like a pie-in-the-sky idea, but it has legs. 

A Bad Diet Leads To Inflammation Of Connective Tissue
When you eat a lot of junk, animal foods, and sugar, it leads to low-level, systemic inflammation in the body. The immune system goes into overdrive, fighting off what it sees as perceived threats and, over time, it damages tissues.

4 Natural Ways To Boost Your Brain Power

As we grow older, we pile up experiences and memories to hold onto and relive them in our old age. Unfortunately, the older we get, the less we tend to remember - and yet, that should be the case. With an estimated 50 million people living with dementia and other brain-related issues, it is important to learn how to keep your brain healthy so as to reduce the risk of dementia and enjoy a happy life in the future. Here are four natural ways to boost your brainpower.

Be Physically Active
Regular physical activity has been proven to be of immense benefits to the brain - from childhood all the way to adulthood. In children, regular physical activity has been shown to promote excellent cognitive development. In adults, it has been proven to improve thinking ability and memory, especially for adults with mild cognitive impairments. Activities such as aerobic exercises can increase brain volume while boosting short-term memory. Ten minutes of exercise each day is enough to boost areas of the brain responsible for problem-solving and decision-making. You can also opt for more gentle forms of exercise like yoga for 25 minutes a day.

Eat ‘Brain Food’
The kind of food you eat plays a crucial role in keeping your brain healthy. Brain food comes in several varieties that range from fish to fruits. Let’s take a look at some examples.

  • Fatty fish: These include sardines, trout, and salmon. Fatty fishes are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Coffee: This ‘morning delight’ contains antioxidants and caffeine that can help the brain but coffee should also be used in moderation. 
  • Dark chocolate: This is packed with essential compounds that boost the brain. It also contains antioxidants and caffeine.
Other essential brain food examples include oranges, nuts, turmeric, green tea, eggs, pumpkin seeds, and broccoli.

Learn A New Language
Research has proven that learning a new language is one sure way to give your mind the training it needs by booting its cognitive capabilities. In infants, especially, learning a new or foreign language has been associated with cognitive development. While in adults, it has been proven to result in sharpened minds as learning new languages helps to enhance brain plasticity. This, in effect, boosts its ability to code information it receives. Even further research has shown that the ability to learn and speak more than one language helps to slow down the decline in cognition that comes with ageing.

Learn To Play A Musical Instrument

Not everybody can be a Mozart. However, studies have shown that learning to play a musical instrument comes with so many benefits for the brain. When children, in particular, are exposed to musical instruments at a very young age, it comes with several benefits. Children that learn to play musical instruments tend to ward off a decline in cognition associated with old age. But adults are not left out, though. Learning a musical instrument also helps to improve attention while expanding the brain’s capacity to store information for future reference. 

Good memory care today is vital for future memory health tomorrow. Engaging in activities that help to boost the power of the brain also helps to ward off cognitive decline that comes with age, and leaves us with our good memories to treasure for a long time.

It's Time To Use the Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing nowadays is a big thing, but what is influencer marketing? It is another way of advertising that is in social media with the help of known people, celebrities, and involves product seedings for them to market and influence their followers, it differs from influencers to another. It's basically spreading the brand's word into their community.

Effective influencers can bring huge sales in a brand because most of them reach the targeted audiences and improves brand awareness. They drive sales into your products especially when content gets viral. Social media now is very powerful, most of the people get an idea of what to buy online, some of them when their favorite influencers post a new product they also wanna try that product because of the person who endorses it. If brands what a large exposure, social media is the solution, it has many benefits to business owners to reach out to more people and customers an influencer marketing is involved.

Flavor Pouches

In my previous post, we learned about the pouches and it's benefits as well as other stuff like how easy to use it. Before we jump on its, different flavors let's talk about why people smoke and why it's hard for the smokers to quit because these pouches can help them quit little by little, these can be substitutes.

The desire to smoke was all the more unequivocally connected with outrage, uneasiness, and sharpness in men than in ladies. Sentiments of trouble or weariness were connected with the inclination to smoke in men as it were. At the point when the men smoked they felt less irate and it diminished their sentiments of misery. Most smokers began when they were teenagers. The individuals who have companions or potentially guardians who smoke are bound to begin smoking than the individuals who don't, others just wanted to try what it's like to smoke.

It can be a habit for most and eventually, others can be addicted to smoking, they say it's not easy to quit when you started smoking. There are many ways how to quit smoking but one that is easy for smokers is by switching to pouches of white pre-packed, tobacco-free nicotine. It comes in different tastes to choose from.

Mag-Pinggang Pinoy® Tayo 7-day Menu Challenge

The COVID-19 Pandemic intensifies the Philippine’s battle against Double Burden of Malnutrition. Double Burden of Malnutrition is defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as “the coexistence of undernutrition along with overweight and obesity, or diet-related non communicable diseases, within individuals, households and populations, and across the life course.” 

The limited distribution and access to food supplies aggravate the plight of poor and low income Filipino households to sustain each person’s required nutrients through healthy meals. On the other hand, home confinement due to the mandated community quarantine may cause more people to not only restrict their physical activities but also to overeat and/or consume more food with empty calories as part of coping with stress and/or boredom. 

Given the importance of maintaining healthy diets to sustain our health and immunity against viruses and bacteria, we should turn to the practice of Pinggang Pinoy® as a viable safeguard to protect our family from diseases.

Feeling Quitting Smoking?

Photo of Woman Smoking Cigarette

Some smokers appreciate the custom of smoking. They likewise state that smoking gives them a pleasurable inclination. For certain teenagers, it is an approach to defy their folks. Different teenagers may feel pressure from their companions (peer pressure) furthermore, start smoking as an approach to seem "cool". Some might be displaying a parent's or kin's conduct, and others trust it is an approach to mitigate pressure or fatigue. Regardless of whether you don't think you are going to continue smoking, it is anything but difficult to get "snared" or dependent in view of the nicotine found in all tobacco items.

5 Elements That Will Give Your Bathroom the Perfect Vintage Vibe

Vintage bathrooms are trendy for several reasons. Homeowners who buy older homes often want to replicate the charm of original features. Some people love the beauty and elegance of historic elements like ornate plumbing and pedestal sinks. Vintage-style tubs are often easier to fit into awkwardly designed spaces. Fortunately, it only takes a few well-chosen elements to create a bath with a feeling of yesteryear. The right tub, sink, tiles, paint, and faucets can instantly add historical elegance to modern bathrooms.

Pedestal and Console Sinks Add Vintage Style

Updating a bathroom sink is a fast way to alter the room's style. Modern homes often include bathroom cabinets with nondescript basins pre-installed. Sinks in older homes were typically standalone versions with decorative styling and little or no storage. As a result, simply replacing your current sink with a console or pedestal style gives the room a historic feeling. Pedestal sinks are mounted on a single, graceful column. Console styles have a unique, gracefully styled basin mounted on two spindly legs that curve gently. Suppliers offer both options in a range of styles that you can view in a bathroom remodeling showroom.

A Freestanding Tub Creates Old-World Elegance

Per remodeling specialist Bob Vila, adding a retro freestanding tub changes the entire tone of a bathroom. Suppliers offer replicas of elegant clawfoot and pedestal tubs that can be installed almost anywhere in a bathroom. The beautiful fixtures are sold in a range of styles and sizes. You can choose from acrylics or metal versions that often have decorative finishes. Many are sold as packages that include matching hardware. The graceful tubs and hardware give bathrooms an old-world look as soon as they are installed.

What Pet Is Best For Your Household?

Do you feel like there’s a missing member of your family? Maybe your household is a little too empty and quiet, or it’s loud and confused, and you really believe a pet is needed for bringing a little more harmony into the situation? Either way, it’s time to start looking into what pet would be best for your household, and why that matters. 

The best pet for your household differs from person to person; you’re going to need to do your research, and a lot of it! Because a pet is a commitment, and you won’t be able to just put them out when you’re sick and tired of the mess they make, or how many of your commands they don’t follow. 

So, what pet is the best for your household? You need to be able to keep up with each other, as well as suit each other’s personality, and you definitely need them to fit into the whole family. With all that in mind, let’s go through a few questions below that should help you 

What Bond Do You Want with Your Animal?

The kind of bond you want with your pet is going to very much dictate what kind of animal you bring home one day. Let’s go through a few examples of the most common types of bonds people want to have with their pets:

  • Some people want their animals to be their best friends; to be close to them, and be the biggest buddy they’ve ever had in their life.

  • Some people fancy taking care of an animal, and ensuring it’s as happy and healthy as it can be within their home, but aren’t too fussed about the closeness of their bond with their pet. 

  • And some people want to have a pet, but want to stay a little distant with it too - they want to have their own space, and they want a pet who desires the same thing, and that works out just fine for them. All they need to know is that there is a bond there! 

For people who desire the top option, a dog is always going to be the best pet for them. It might still be hard to bond with your animal, if you don’t have the time or the effort to put in, but most of all, dogs are social creatures that simply love to be with you, and they’re hard to ignore! Of course, some dogs are famous for being better natured than others. Some dogs, like the labradors you can find at this website, have wonderful temperaments when it comes to their owners. They’re friendly and open, and it’s very easy to bond with them simply by spending time with them.

How to Stay Calm When Your Kids Get Hurt

Any parent knows that kids are clumsy, and any parent knows that their kid will, at some point, injure themselves. For a lot of parents, this fills them with dread. They don't want their precious baby to feel any pain ever. However, while this is a sign of a caring parent, it may not be ideal for the kids. 

Reacting too dramatically after your child falls, trips, stumbles, or collides can impact how they deal with accidents, injuries, and pain. If you fail to stay calm, then how can you expect them to remain calm? While you should be aware of what happens to your child, it's also vital to stay calm when an accident happens, and here is how to do that. 

Don't React Too Harshly
Reacting harshly, jumping up in shock, and screaming your lungs out that your baby is hurt is not going to do anyone any favors. All this will do is make your child overreact to your overreaction, and this will make the pain feel much worse than it is. 

While you definitely should acknowledge that your kid is hurt, it's also worth trying a different approach. Instead of shock and horror, consider laughing or even don't react at all. It could be that your child is just looking for attention, and if you don't give it to them, they will get over any pain soon enough. 

Have a Plan For All Scenarios 
Most playground injuries are never too bad. However, there is always going to be one time where the injury is just as bad, if not worse than it looks. When this happens, you've got to ensure you are prepared for all scenarios. 

Being prepared for everything will help you find the treatment your child needs. This will save you panicking and stop them from panicking. Whether you treat a cut knee or bloody nose, or even arrange for tooth veneers from a particularly nasty fall, being ready for anything will help keep everybody calm.

Replacing Your Roof

Gray Steel Sheet

In case you're attempting to sell your home, or figure it could do with somewhat of a revive, you could be pondering where to start. Once in a while, even current form properties can profit by some home improvement every now and then. That shiny new inclination blurs sooner or later and giving your home a touch of spruce is only one method for bringing it back.

Since your rooftop is set over your home, monitoring its condition can turn into a monotonous task. You'll essentially need to jump over your home to evaluate your rooftop. This can turn into a battle particularly on the off chance that you have a great deal on your plate. Dribbling water from your rooftop implies dampness has just leaked in and the materials of your rooftop are never again tough. The roof needs to be repaired or replaced.

Choosing whether it's an ideal opportunity to have a rooftop substitution isn't as hard as you might suspect. There are signs which are unmistakable inside your home in particular in your roofs and dividers. Set aside some effort to investigate these territories and watch if there are any stains or more terrible, molds. Seeing any of these in your roof and dividers can mean such a large number of things. It can imply that the underlayment of the shingles is broken which made the water leak in the house or you have lacking ventilation which brought about an excessive amount of dampness in your rooftop. Rather than pondering what may have caused the issue, concoct better arrangements. Furthermore, for this situation, a rooftop substitution is the arrangement you need.

You don't need your rooftop to be in the most exceedingly terrible conceivable condition before you call for assistance, correct? That will require more costs and more opportunities for fixes. Quickly call for expert assistance like Westchase Roofing for your rooftop substitution needs. 

Some home improvement undertakings can be more requesting than others, be that as it may, taking the effort to evaluate what should be done to your home can be totally transformative when you make a begin at giving your home a revive. Setting some spending aside for any progressions can likewise enable you to deal with 'absolute necessities' and straightforward needs.

The Simpler Route To Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy, and a lot of people have their own ideas about what that means and what it entails. If you are wondering how you might be able to make yourself happier, then there are plenty of things that you might want to consider. As it happens, happiness is something that is often ill-defined or poorly understood, and as a result, it’s the kind of thing that you need to work at if you are to get it. But it’s something that differs from what people tend to think, as we will see in this article. Here are some tips on a simpler route to happiness that you might want to try out for yourself.

Understanding Happiness
In order to get to the bottom of this, we need to find an agreed definition of what happiness is. This might be more important than you realize, for it is misunderstanding happiness that often leads to the opposite of it leading your life. Happiness for a lot of people in achieving every goal that they are setting out to achieve, having all the money they need, and not having to feel any discomfort. But this is not necessarily the most honest way to live: there will always be discomfort, and it’s much better to find a way to live with it stoically. We might prefer to think of happiness more as the ability to be peaceful with whatever happens, not the ability to make things happen according to our own desires.

Keep Life Simple
There are many ways in which we all tend to over-complexify things. While this might be a normal thing to do, it is not the best for if you are trying to be happy. If you are looking for greater happiness and you want to try and make it easier to grasp, the best way is to make things simple. Focus on the smaller details, like which food you like to eat and how you like to spend an afternoon, or enjoying the sun on a hot day. It is these things that actually make you happy, not the other stuff. This simplicity also applies to any treatment you might take for your mental health: looking at hemp oil vs CBD oil will show you how a simple diet is often all you need.

Be Kind & Compassionate
Much of what you need to do in order to feel happier is about how you treat others. If you are kind and compassionate to other people, you are going to find that it is much easier to be happier and that you naturally feel yourself being full of much more confidence and ease. So make sure that you are focused on doing that, rather than constantly trying to get one up on everyone else. You will be amazed at what a difference it can make to how you feel in your daily life, and in the future too.

Dear Boss, I Don't Trust You

Knowing you can trust someone takes time. Even if you’re a good judge of character, it’s not easy to get to know someone well enough to feel safe or not with them. When you’re making new friends, building a trust relationship is all about spending time together and sharing meaning experiences. But when you’re at work, knowing whether you can trust your boss is a different kettle of fish. For a start, it’s hard to get to know your boss in the same way you would a friend. Ultimately, stress, high responsibilities, and lack of time can stand in between you. But, some clues can let you know whether you can rely on your boss, or whether they don’t have your best interests at heart. Here are four red flags to identify when dealing with a new manager: 

Not respecting your time off
Dealing with health complications is always a challenging experience. In some cases, you might find yourself stuck at home during the recovery period. As tempting as it might be to pressure yourself to bounce back quickly, you know that healing is a time-demanding process. However, recovery can get stressful when you’ve got a boss who doesn’t respect your time off. A manager who gets in touch to check if you’re really ill or who needs you to tackle work-related matters is not someone who looks after you. 

Not maintaining the workplace
Your workplace should be a place where you can feel safe. The coronavirus pandemic highlights the need for strict health and safety regulations. However, even outside of a health crisis, you want a boss who maintains the workplace. Loose wires, slippery floors, dark areas, and exposed electrical connections, for instance, are some of the most common office complaints heard by personal injury lawyers. You’d be surprised to know that some of the most overlooked and most easily avoidable work-related accidents happen in the office. 

Ensuring Your Loved One In Care Is Treated Right

The decision to put an older loved one into care is rarely one that is made lightly. Plus, those that are able to, will look into paying for care at home with companies like before heading to this step. As such, a lot of people who do make that decision may be wondering, for a time, if it was the right one. How do you know that your loved one is getting the kind of care and comfort that they deserve? Here, we’re going to look at a few tips to ensure just that.

Keep in touch regularly
When you put your loved one into care, it has to come with the understanding that you might not be able to see them as regularly as you once could. However, it should also come with the understanding that you need to make the extra effort to check in on them, make sure that they’re doing well, and provide them with the communication that keeps their social links strong. Isolation is a major issue amongst the elderly, increasing the risk of both depression and dementia, so it’s important to do what we can to fight it.

Visit the care facility with fresh eyes
Every time you visit your loved one, you should also take the time to look over the care facility. It’s easy to start failing to notice it when you visit repeatedly, but if the standards are starting to dip, then you should notice. Keep an eye out for any safety hazards, broken equipment, patients that seem poorly attended, or any other signs of a messy or risky care home. If you are worried about the slipping standards, then it may be time to look at moving to a different care home.