There millions reasons why i hate traffic,Because traffic is stressful,Getting late in an appointment,Always having busy days at work,Ending your day stuck in traffic.Have you ever think why traffic is getting worse monthly and yearly?Because many car owners buy cars even if they don't have own place to park their own car.
We hate traffic but in online world traffic is good especially in blogging,Anyway back to the word TRAFFIC,What are worst things happened to you when you stocked in a heavy traffic,It's so annoying,When you are in a hurry going to work,Meetings or emergency and you spend half day of your regular days at highways.Irritation and anger some of the drivers feels when they are in the situation.You always think what is the solution for everyday traffic ,Our government also finding solution to that problem.
The following are some causes of traffic and Solutions.
"1. U-Turns. U-turn slots cause disproportional traffic congestion - especially when combined with in-disciplined motorists.
2. Bus Stops. Stopping buses cause immense congestion - especially due to in-disciplined pulling-up (across 2 lanes), spontaneous stopping (to pick-up/drop-off passengers on the roadside) or when double parking at already full designated bus stops.
3. Roadside Parking. Short or long term parking causes traffic delays by obstructing the inner lane.
To avoid that heavy traffic,Some of the genius developer came up with this app called DIBZ,Finding ways to ease that heavy traffic now has a solution.Some of the cr owners here in the Philippines park in highways,O yes i bet you already seen those cars outside of he establishments,One of things that cause traffic,They don't have parking area."
To make it short,Dibz is an app where you can find your car where to park,It save you a lot ,Why?It doesn't cost that much and it save a lot of time for you finding that parking area.
Check out their Facebook Page to know and learn more HERE