Every parent is different, but we're all learning as we go along. There are lots of lessons you'll learn as a parent, as well as many frustrations, joys and surprises. Often you'll want to share these things, or just see if anyone else is experiencing the same things you are. Although you might have friends who are parents, sometimes you can feel like you haven't exactly found your "parenting tribe". One way you can reach out to more people and engage with other parents is by starting a blog. It's a fun thing to do, a great way to share your opinions, and a way you can practise and showcase your creative skills too. If you're thinking of starting a blog, here are some things to consider.
Revealing Your Personal Life Online
Before you decide to start up a blog, think about how much of yourself you want to share online. Many of us already share a lot of information through social media, but we often prefer to share it with friends only. Also, these are usually only snapshots of our lives and not in-depth posts. If you start a blog, how are you going to approach it? Are you going to be anonymous or perhaps avoid mentioning your children's names? What subjects are you prepared to discuss? Remember that once something is online, it can be very hard to get rid of. Are you prepared for your children to read what you write if they one day discover your blog?
Setting Up a Blog
To start running a blog, you'll first need to set up all the technical stuff. If you don't know much about it, it can seem a bit confusing at first, but it's not that difficult. You can use a site like WordPress to make setting up your blog easy. The simple option is WordPress.com, which lets WordPress host your website - meaning your site content is on their servers. Or there's WordPress.org, where you find hosting for your site and get more options for customizing it. You'll need a domain name, which you can buy from various sites and easily save money on - go to deal at this link to save. Once your hosting and domain are sorted, you should start thinking about the setup of your blog. Think of what categories you want to use and what you want your blog to look like.
What to Talk About
Of course, you need to consider what you want to use your blog for. If you're using it to document your parenting journey, you already have a broad subject, but that doesn't narrow it down a lot. Perhaps there's a particular topic you're passionate about, such as parenting a child with disabilities or being an adoptive parent. Maybe you want to consider what sort of angle to approach your blog from. You might want to write humorous posts, for example. Do you want to write in-depth posts about parenting issues, or just give an account of your day-to-day life? Think about how you might make your blog stand out from others.
Getting an Audience
Some people aren't too bothered about how many people read their blog. You might just enjoy putting your posts up and maybe sharing with friends and family. But if you would like to grow the audience of your blog, you can consider how you're going to do that. You probably will start off sharing your posts on social media with people you already know. Another thing you can do is use hashtags and groups on social media to reach more people. You might even want to create dedicated social media profiles for your blog. You can also connect with other bloggers by commenting on their posts and even writing guest posts on their blogs.
Using Your Blog to Connect with Other Moms
Running a parenting blog is a great way to connect with other parents. Sometimes, even if you meet other parents in real life, it can feel hard to find people to relate to. You might know lots of other moms and dads, but they all have different lifestyles and attitudes to you. If you're still looking for your people, your blog could help you find them. Some of them will come to you, through finding your blog. Others you can find yourself, perhaps by reading and commenting on other people's blogs.
You might just start your blog for fun, but you could decide to monetize it in the future. Even if you never make any money, it's a great way to document your parenting journey.