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6 Essentials for 20-Somethings Spending and Splurging


Your twenties are an interesting transitional time in your life. Your well out of the teenage and adolescence years but early in the adulting phase of your life. In your twenties, your income certainly begins to increase but so do all of your expenses. As a young aspiring individual, monitoring and prioritizing your spending can often become a challenge. Here are my 6 essentials for spending (or splurging) in your 20’s:

  1. Your living arrangement: Your 20’s are a time of rentals, roommates, moving back home, and sometimes living beyond your means. Regardless of which situation you are in, be sure you are planning for the future. If you are renting, make sure you are not maxing out your budget, no apartment is more valuable than the ability to save a little of your earnings each month. If you live at home, be sure you contribute to your family in the ways you can, if even one meal a week. That one dinner (kind act) is far less expensive than going out on and living on your own. When it comes to a living situation, be sure to find a balance between your checkbook, your needs, and your desires.
  2. Reliable Transportation: Depending on where you're located, reliable transportation can mean many things. For all the urban dwellers, maybe this means buying a monthly or yearly commuter/metro pass to capitalize on some of the savings. If you’re in a location where 4 wheels is a must, find the right option for you. Whether a lease, a used-option, a hand-me-down, or a new car - do some rough math and find the option then best suits your lifestyle.
  3. Timeless Home Essentials: As you get older your priorities begin to shift. Sleeping on floors and lounging on beat up furniture is not as enjoyable as it was when you were younger. Invest in quality essentials for your haven that will last you! Today, there are so many online options that make finding quality finishings affordable and convenient. It’s no shock that we spend a third of our lives in our bed, the earlier you upgrade your mattress - the sooner you’ll be sleeping better. You can now order fantastic mattresses online that are delivered (in a box) directly to your doorstep.
  4. Quality Leather Handbag: One, because you want it and two, because you’ll need it! This spend could be arguably framed as a splurge but it is no doubt a great bag is a must-have. In your twenties your income is a bit more disposable and flexible than other phases of adulthood. If there's a versatile bag you’ve had your eye on, save for it and buy it! Make sure the style is timeless and you can use it both casually and professionally. A great quality leather handbag will last you ages! 
  5. Technology: Technology can feel like a hard investment, especially if/when money is tight and accounted for. Tomorrow there's always going to be a better, newer, and updated release. The gadget world is a vicious cycle. Regardless, we live in an age where our technology is essential to our day-to-day productivity. Buy the nicer computer in hopes to get the most out of it. Technology doesn't need to be updated so frequently if you buy the best and take great care of it. 
  • A Skin Care Regimen: If you have never been into a skin care routine or maybe you have been experimental with many products throughout your younger years. In your twenties you should try to use less of a variation of products/brands and start to narrow in on your go-to favorites for a stable routine. Consistent care paired with quality products will result in a healthy and beautiful face for your future!