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Think You Can't Afford A Pet? Think Again

Caring for yourself can get expensive, never mind other beings depending on you. When you’re living on a budget, a few of life’s luxuries get left out of the shopping basket. Actually, quite a lot of them are considering the price of everything nowadays. We look up and down the shelves looking for the best deals, we go online, we shop in thrift and charity stores. However, that isn’t going to find us everything we want, and sometimes what we really want is a pet to run along at our feet with us. 

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Try Something Small First

Okay so what you really want is an adorable little kitten, or a puppy that can loll about with you in your downtime, yet that’s unrealistic to aim for straight away when you have a spending limit on a four legged friend. 

Obviously, you’re going to have to go smaller as a result. Try something like a goldfish or hamster, as they’re low maintenance pets, yet still require a lot of our input to keep them happy and healthy. Watching a fish swim around its tank is a nice backdrop to getting some work done, and can keep the kids entertained for a while. Similarly, the hamster is fluffy and can run up and down its nightclub-like enclosure, which is great for building upon. 

Organic Foods Don’t Have to be Expensive

When we want to be pet owners, we also want to be the best at being a pet owner, which is where the idea of only having organic treats on hand for a pooch comes in. They’re so much better for a dog’s health and weight, and use only natural products; no secret toxins here! Brands such as Betsy Farms can allow you to bulk buy, which saves money in the long run, and they’re also at a cheaper rate than the bigger brands that only have about 20% chicken in their products. 

Get Your Pet Vaccinated

Yes it’s going to cost you to take a trip to the vet, and it’s going to be more when you have to add the vaccine costs on top of that, but it means you’re not going to have extra costs in the future. 

Getting a pet vaccinated works wonders for their health, and your wallet. Some of the biggest pet killers out there are ones that can be absolutely prevented, and thus not taking these preparatory steps are just going to hurt you on payday. It also makes getting insurance, and keeping it paying for you, a lot easier as some companies don’t cover illnesses that could have been prevented by vaccines. 

Pets are going to be an expensive investment, but they’re often entirely worth it, and can mean you won’t spend unnecessary money elsewhere. The kids will love them and learn from them, and you’ll love having a companion to curl up and snooze on you during those late nights. It makes lonely evenings in front of the TV a whole lot better!