Didn’t this winter feel longer than usual? When the winters are cold and dreary, it’s easy to get used to wearing layers and hiding away, so it can come as a bit of a shock when the sun starts shining again.
Feeling nervous about shedding the layers this season? Here’s your simple guide to getting ready to rock your summer wardrobe.
Boost your skincare routine
Getting spring and summer-ready calls for good skin. Start improving the look and feel of your skin by using a hydrating cleanser, good exfoliating body scrub and plenty of moisturizers. You can now buy in-shower moisturizers that make it easier for you to keep your skin hydrated, ready for summer.
As a bonus tip, if you’ve got any baby oil lying around - use it after showering to help lock moisture in for smooth, shiny legs.
Tackle cellulite
Cellulite can drain your confidence, making it difficult to pluck up the courage to wear skirts or shorts in the summer. In this post about cellulite, you’ll learn some of the easy ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite. While its appearance could be helped through a better diet, other good techniques include using a body brush frequently as well as going for massages. There are a lot of treatments out there to help you with cellulite, so it’s worth visiting your local salon to see what cellulite treatments they have on offer.
Don’t let the cellulite hold you back from showing off your legs - it’s common in many people and is nothing to be ashamed of.
Get exercising
If a long winter of nights in and lazy mornings meant that your exercise routine has fallen by the wayside, you might not be feeling too confident about your body. Start introducing some regular cardio to your routine - with walking, running, and cycling making good leg toners. There are so many benefits to exercise, including some amazing benefits for your skin. You can also add some weights to help tone your muscles further to give yourself a big confidence boost ready for those sunny days.
Use a secret weapon
Ever wonder how celebrities and models achieve sleek, glowing skin that makes their legs look amazing? They use some fantastic products that give that incredible glow. You can try using a gradual tanner to give your legs a subtle hint of color, while a bronze oil or shimmering moisturizer can make your legs look and feel silky smooth. There are shimmering body lotions and oils for all budgets, allowing you to look great at a price you can afford.
If you want to make your legs look slimmer, you can always add some highlighter down the center of your shins and thighs - think of it as contouring for your body!
It takes a lot of confidence to bear all during the summer months, but you can do it with a few handy confidence boosters. Dress for comfort rather than forcing yourself into clothes you’re not happy in - that’s the way to truly rock your summer wardrobe.