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What is Sound Healing and How can it Help You?

In the early 2000s, a certain unconventional form of healing emerged, and its popularity and widespread application created quite the buzz. Sound healing, sound therapy or less popularly known as vibrational medicine, has been developing and establishing itself not only as a relaxation technique but more importantly as a healing technique, since then. 

Sound healing has been around for quite some time

It may sound far-fetched, but sound has been used as therapy for the mind and body for thousands of years. In fact, it is one of the oldest healing forms known to man. For example, practitioners of Hindu spirituality have been using chants and mantras to meditate and clear the mind, and reach a higher level of the self since the early ages. So, even though it has not been long since the modern world is introduced to this form of healing, it is not entirely a new concept

In simple terms, sound healing is the use of human voice or any object that has the ability to resonate in order to trigger the healing process of the mind and body. Common objects that are used for sound healing are tuning forks, gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, bells, and Australian didgeridoos among many others. Of course, the human voice is the most accessible, and hence most popular.

How sound healing works

According to quantum physics, everything in the universe is made of energy. We may have a physical, solid body, but underneath it all, we are a spinning ball of energy that has its own frequency and vibration. Not just humans, but every single creation from animals to rocks to tables have a vibrating energy. In other words, every creation naturally produces a sound. 

Practitioners of sound healing, called sounders, believe that each of our body parts has a separate and distinct vibration, and they are all perfectly in tune in our natural state. Ailments then, whether physical or mental, are caused when our body parts’ frequencies are not in tune. Like most complementary forms of medicine, sound healing aims to balance out the imbalanced

Jonathan Goldman, who is the Director of Sound Healers Association, based in Boulder, Colorado, explains perfectly how sound can prove to be extremely therapeutic. He provided an analogy of stubbing our toes. We all know just how painful stubbing our toes can be. But letting out a cry or a scream when it happens can make it feel like it hurts a lot less. This is so because the cry we produce can trigger the release of endorphins or “happy hormones”. 

The vibration of the cry also has the ability to resonate with the part of the body that is hurting, which is the toe in this case. The imbalance is now balanced, and pain felt remarkably reduces. Another explanation is that the cry you let out simply shifts your attention away from the pain in your toes. Either way, pain is relieved. 

Sound healing does not claim to be able to cure chronic illnesses like cancer, but it does help patients to feel better about themselves. Stress level reduces incredibly, and that is why it is used for patients undergoing chemotherapy. Some doctors even believe that sound fixes not only the part of the patient that is damaged but heals the whole person. As one of the main benefits of sound therapy is relaxation and stress reduction, it works especially well for ailments that have their roots in stress like rashes, back and neck pain, headaches, ulcers, and so on.

Benefits of sound healing

As mentioned before, sound healing can be used to complement recovery and heal a number of physical and mental illnesses. It is also used to relax the mind and body in times of stress. Below are some of the benefits this intriguing technique has to offer. 

  1. Sound healing reduces stress and helps to fight depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. One of the main benefits, many people have claimed, is that the sound produced by the tools in sound healing like Tibetan/Himalayan singing bowls, gongs, and bells to name a few, has a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating quality. As this reduces stress, the mind and body are calm and peaceful, and it leaves little room for mental and emotional disturbances.
  2. Sound healing improves blood circulation   An improved blood circulation means a healthier body and fewer illnesses. Sound healing produces calming sounds that resonate with the vibration of your own body. The result is a balanced overall functioning of the body, including improved blood circulation.
  3. Sound healing balances your chakras There are seven chakras or energy vortices in the human body, all placed down along the spine, from its base all the way to the head. If there is an imbalance in the energy flow through the seven chakras, then all sorts of illnesses may occur. Sound healing helps to achieve a state of balance among the chakras. 
  4. Sound healing helps in recovering from diseases and traumas and strengthens immune system Another major benefit which most patients seek while approaching sound healers is a recovery from trauma or illnesses and a better, stronger immune system to avoid possible health discrepancies in the future. 
  5. Sound healing greatly improves sleep Since sound healing has such calming and peaceful effects, it can also be used to treat insomnia. When your mind and body are relaxed, you will find that sleep and rest come to you easily. 
  6. Sound healing increases the flow of positive energy The soothing sounds that the employed tools produce can open up our mind to more opportunities and possibilities. This leads to an abundance of positive energy. It means more creativity, more happiness, more health and wealth. In other words, sound healing can help you lead the abundant and fulfilling life you have always dreamt of. 

Meta description: Sound healing has been around for quite some time. Here is how it works and all the benefits it provides.