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No Apples Today: Why You Should Not Keep The Doctor At Bay

Going to see the doctor can be a chore. You might put off going to visit, thinking that you are wasting your time, or that your ailments are too minor.

We learn to live with little health problems, and very often we cover over the cracks and ignore them. There is always a chance that small things such as these might be symptomatic of a broader problem that you have not diagnosed.

Having a check-up with your primary care physician can help you get an early indication of conditions that might affect you in the future. Taking preventative measures or getting treatment early can save your life in the long run, so regular check-ups are vital for your health.

What Will They Test?

The doctor will ask you a few general questions about your health. This might include finding out about the quality of sleep, and any particular aches or pains. They will also want to know about any conditions family members have had that might be hereditary. You will also get asked about drinking and smoking.

They will take your height and weight and look at your body mass index. This measurement can be used to identify if you are at risk of any particular conditions such as heart disease, stroke, or diabetes.

They may take blood samples which check your blood sugar levels, measure for diabetes, and also identify potential kidney problems.

A blood pressure check can be used to examine for signs of heart disease, and the potential risk of having a stroke in the future.

Generally, male and female doctors are available in most practices. If you would feel more comfortable seeing a doctor of a specific gender, then don't be afraid to ask.

What Next?

The doctor might have some recommendations for some lifestyle changes. These might include changes in diet to either look at losing weight or to manage your blood pressure.

The doctor may feel that more physical activity is needed and may offer suggestions of the type of exercise you should be getting to help.

If there is any cause for concern, the doctor will possibly look to getting more tests done. This might involve being referred to see a specialist, such as this cardiologist doctor in Vernon, NJ if your doctor believes you have an issue with your heart, for instance.

Mental Health And You

We often overlook our mental health. 'Keeping going', and 'getting over it' are often the tried and tested approaches at dealing with things like depression, anxiety, and stress. This has created a stigma around getting help for these severe conditions. Gradually though, that stigma is being lifted.

If you find that you lack motivation, or have little enthusiasm for life, speak to your doctor. If you're anxious or stressed and have trouble relaxing, this can cause further health problems. Looking after your mental health is essential, and dealing with issues as they arise will make things much easier on you.

Whatever the current state of your health, if you're fit as a fiddle, or often run down, get a check-up. Looking after yourself should be your number one priority in life.