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Why I can so relate with the new Unilab video

I have two kids,A pre-schooler who just recently diagnosed with Autism Spetrum Disorder or ASD and a toddler one,Everyday when my husband go out to work at 5 in the morning and went home late,My work also starts when he left.I'm a stay-at-home mom but i'm proud of it.Everyday is busy day for me.

Recently I just saw a video in Facebook,It's the Unilab Video,It is now starting getting viral,Because most family and and specially mother can relate to the said video.

I remember when i had mastitis when my toddler just three months old and literally I can't move,Too much pain,And all the aches and the high fever.My husband did all the house chores and do what i'm always doing except for the baby by that time i'm still breastfed him.

Our role,Being mother or father is important we must keep our family ready,In that situation,Like in that video the family managed the day well,No matter what happened family is always a family.
Have you already watch the video?If not,You can watch it HERE.