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Thanks Mom! Creating An Exciting, Amazing Birthday Party Your Child Will Never Forget


Your child's birthday is coming up, and you have no idea what to do this time. You’ve pre-emptively invited a host of children (and by definition their parents,) so not only are your organizational skills up for judgement, but it’s up to you to create a day your child will always remember. Your child will only be a child for so long, so better to make it enjoyable for them right? It’s almost impossible to say ‘no pressure’ after this laundry list of responsibilities, to the point where it can all feel a bit overwhelming.

However, there’s no need to worry. If you’re struggling for ideas look no further than this list for great birthday ideas that your child will cherish into their adulthood . These are sorted by small, medium and large sized invite lists. If you feel you can handle more, please do! We just hope this list helps give you ideas.

Small Amount of Guests

Indoor play activities such as a ball pot,go karting or laser tag.

These are suitable for a few party guests because they’re might have a maximum allowed amount of attendees, or even if not, large groups can stack up the cost at these events.

Cinema,bowling and /or a meal out.

This is a safe bet that never fails. Finding something that everyone wants to eat beforehand is paramount, and be sure to question the parents of their child's dietary requirements.

A pottery making lesson or an arts and crafts adventure.

This is a great way to bond with fellow parents and children, as creating something with others provokes a feeling of fellowship.

Medium Amount of Guests

BBQ & Bouncy Castle

This is a great one for the attending parents, as who doesn’t love a BBQ? Also, this will be a great activity for children to do because bouncy castles are unanimously approved of by children.

Outdoor entertainment such as clowns,or a child entertainer.

Not everyone enjoys clowns so just be sure there are no children with a nervous temperament invited. A child entertainer is usually safer. Check out for reviews online and be sure to communicate your needs to those you hire.

Renting out a hall for a disco,or party games.

Renting out your local community hall for a few hours at a weekend can be surprisingly cheap, and there might be beneficial facilities you might be able to use as well. Sometimes community halls have toys for infants that can be played with by any infants attending with the parents.

A nature trail at a specialist trail farm.

This is a fantastic way to get your child to begin a lifelong love for the majesty of nature. If you live in a city this is also a fantastic time to give your child some one on one time with farmyard animals.

A safari park adventure.

If there is one near you, a safari park adventure can be an amazing experience a child will never forget. Most adults will jump at the chance to see exotic animals too. If there’s nothing like that near you, see if there are any nearby zoos! 

An amusement park.

If the children are old enough to go on the rides, and amusement park is a great choice. Just be sure that you have enough parents present to keep an eye on the kids in a busy public environment. A good rule of thumb is to assign one parent per three children, depending on their age.

A fancy dress party.

This can be coupled with any of the previously listed party ideas. Adding extra spice is always welcome to achieve the most fun!

Large Amount of Guests 

A pool party.

Be sure there are areas to change for the guests.

A party with inflatable fun games

Be mindful you have enough outdoor space for this one. If you don’t there should be plenty of activity centres near you to host it.

Outdoor laser tag.

This can be fantastic if your child is old enough.

Just remember that it’s your responsibility as the host to make sure every child is safe and cared for. The more effort you put into planning this, the better it will be, but don’t be afraid to enjoy the day yourself! Best of luck with all your future party planning!