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Keep Your Kids Healthy With The Vitamin Alphabet

40% of the calories in our children’s diets come from empty calories. This means that they are made up entirely of sugar and fats, which have no nutritional value. Attitudes towards diets are fortunately changing, with sugar intake down and consumption of fruit and veg increasing, but there is more to be done. It can be difficult to know what nutrients your child needs, let alone to teach this information to them. An easy way to get started is with the vitamin alphabet: A, B, C, and D. Find out why these nutrients are important and where they can be found.

Vitamin A
We start with a vitamin required for growth, which is why it is so essential for adolescents as their bodies change so rapidly. Vitamin A will maintain the normal growth of bones and muscles while improving your child’s skin, which is a big deal for many teenagers. Explain to your child that eating plenty of dairy products will have all these health benefits. Yellow and orange vegetables also tend to be heavy in vitamin A.

Vitamin B
The second in our alphabet is responsible for your child’s metabolism. This can prevent them from becoming overweight. It also leads to an increase in the production of red blood cells, which is especially important if they are doing their recommended exercise. This is commonly found in meat, poultry, and eggs. If your child chooses a vegan diet, they can take vitamin B supplements and up their intake of soy, grains, and cereals, which have the added benefit of being high in magnesium.

Vitamin C
As children grow, their body is learning to fight off diseases. It is a good idea to avoid medicine as much as possible so that their immune system can strengthen. To limit the chances of an illness arising, as well as its intensity and duration, encourage your child to consume lots of vitamin C. This can be found in the most delicious citrus fruits, as well as tomatoes, spinach, and broccoli. The vitamin C contained in these foods, combined with high levels of protein and iron, will also strengthen muscles.

Vitamin D
Lastly, but certainly not least, vitamin D allows the absorption of calcium which will maintain strong bones and teeth as they develop. Spending time in the sun activates vitamin D in the body, but this isn’t enough on its own and can come with other health risks. To ensure a high level of vitamin D, consider cooking more fish and dairy for your child. Mushrooms and soy are good sources of vitamin D for vegans, as are supplements.

By providing a diverse diet for your child, you are setting them up for the best start in life. Their mood and grades will improve and they will maintain health through important life stages such as puberty. Follow the alphabet system to check that all your child’s vitamin requirements are being met. Introduce your child early to the incredible flavors of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables to prevent an over-dependence on sugars and fats.