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Best Self Defense Weapons to Carry

No one ever wishes to be under attack. Unfortunately, in a world full of crime and unmentionable atrocities, we may face danger at one point or the other. The best you can do is to always be prepared to defend yourself and your loved ones. You might ask yourself what the best self-defense device is. The answer to that question really depends on what you find comfortable carrying. It also depends on your daily environment and your budget, from the best stun guns to self-defense batons, there is a wide variety of self-defense weapons to choose from.
Grayscale Photo of Person Holding a Gun
Laws governing how to use certain defense weapons such as guns vary from state to state. When buying a gun, you will be required to pass a test before being given a permit. The cost and the process involved in securing a firearm as a self-defense weapon may be discouraging and out of reach to many people.
Other self-defense weapons other than guns have eased rules and regulations for their usage, an example is tasers. If you wish to get an affordable taser, you can find tasers for sale at the Home Security Super Store.

There are other great self-defense weapons that have the ability to cause blunt force trauma such as knives. Other top self-defense tools are pepper sprays, self-defense stun guns, keychain weapons, tactical pens, self-defense alarms, animal repellers among others.
For a lot of people, their best self-defense tool is pepper spray. Its benefits are:
  • It is easy to purchase.
  • Anyone can easily learn how to use it.
  • It is classified as a non-lethal weapon.
  • It gives you great defense against virtually any kind of attacker.
  • The fact that you can spray it from a distance of around 20 feet from your attacker means that you don’t have to get too close to your assailant.
The most important thing is you know how to use the weapon you choose to carry and that you’re comfortable carrying it with you, just in case.