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How Long Can You Leave a Cat Alone? A Guide for Responsible Cat Parents

How long can you leave a cat alone? It is different with every cat.  Some cats are super-independent and like to be alone for most of the time, while others move from room to room wherever you go, following you like a shadow.
Also remember that it’s not the same if you’re leaving your four-pawed friend alone overnight, for a few days, or for a week or even more. You’ll need to make different arrangements and preparations dependable on how long you plan to leave your cat alone.  

Leaving a Cat Alone for the Weekend
Let’s say you wanted to go to a mini holiday and you want to leave your cat alone for couple of days. In my experience this is a better option than bringing your cat with you. Cats are actually scared of new environment, and sometimes they go crazy when they find themselves in the unknown. They may try to run, and that’s the scariest scenario for any pet owner. So what preparations should you make when leaving your cat alone for 2-3 days?

Things You Should Be Doing Every Day To Protect Yourself From Injury

It can be all too easy to suffer from injury these days; one day you’re in the gym pumping iron and the next, you’ve blacked out from using a weight too heavy with improper form. Or maybe you were running on little sleep while driving your car and got into an accident. Things can change in a matter of moments! Below are just a few things you can do to make sure you’re protecting yourself from injury every day. Take a look and start incorporating some of the tips into your life.

Getting Plenty Of Sleep
Sleep is key to our health and well-being. When we’re well-rested, we’re able to focus better, eat better, and enjoy life more in general. Without enough sleep, you might find that you feel hungrier, as your ghrelin levels are increased, which in turn can lead to things like obesity. Not only that, driving while suffering from a lack of sleep can be just as bad as driving while drunk. Seriously. If you’re tired, you should avoid driving at all costs or you risk a serious injury, not to mention losing your life or being responsible for another one.

Eating Enough Food
If you survive on nothing but caffeine all day long, your body is going to be full of adrenaline. This will make you more stressed, and in turn your cortisol levels will increase, which have been linked with an unhealthy amount of excess fat in the body. When you’re stressed or even shaky from not eating enough food, you might find that you struggle to make good decisions, or that you can’t pay as much attention. In turn, this can lead to injury. Make sure you eat well!

Avoiding Drugs And Alcohol
Drugs and alcohol are a huge danger to people these days. An excess of alcohol can mean losing all coordination, falling, and blacking out. Different drugs can do different things, but they all impair your ability to make rational decisions. Hupy and Abraham's personal injury lawyers might be able to help you if you hurt yourself while under the influence, but you may not be able to undo the damage you’ve done if it’s serious.

Staying On The Ball At Work
At work, you should be aware of the hazards that could cause you harm. Not every accident at work will be your own fault, but not paying enough attention definitely is your fault. If you do get into an accident at work and you were fully on the ball, then you may be able to bring a case up against your workplace. It would be a good idea to consult with Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys, Nashville, or attorneys in your local area, so that you can discuss with them your next steps if you need to.

Making Sure You Work Out With Good Form
Exercising is fantastic, and anybody who exercises regularly should give themselves a pat on the back. However, if you’re not practicing good form, you’re going to hurt yourself somewhere down the line. Injuries from working out can be tough to correct and sometimes permanent. Always make sure your form is right before doing an exercise, especially with a heavyweight! Make sure you use the right workout gear, too. The right shoes could prevent a running injury, for example.

If you do these things every day, you’ll be taking care of yourself and avoiding injuries.

Why is My Hair Falling Out? Triggers of Female Hair Loss

Each morning a woman will find a few hairs on her pillow, and that’s completely natural. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, this is called hair shedding and, on average, a person will ‘shed’ anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs in a day. However, when the numbers become much higher than that and you actually notice that your hair is thinning in volume or even have patches with no hair, that is cause for concern.

When not to worry excessively

According to the same article, excessive shedding can occur as an aftermath of numerous situations ranging from giving birth, undergoing surgery, during illness recovery, loss of 20 or more pounds or after you’ve stopped taking birth control pills (if you were on them). The shedding in those cases can be a little higher in volume, but there is no need to be overly concerned as the body usually takes care of things and in about six to nine months, your volume goes back to its normal state.

Cause number one

As Women’s Health Concern points out, women can experience major hair loss and even a lack of growth of new hairs during menopause. In some cases, women lose hair evenly, in the sense that the overall volume is not as high as before menopause, while in the worst case scenario they notice bald patches, particularly “at the crown of the head, the sides or more general hair thinning all over the head”. The worrying element is that this is simply something that comes with age, and even though estrogen, which dips during menopause, is there to help hair growth, baldness and major hair loss can still occur. The good news is that there are options for stopping or at least slowing down the hair loss process such as a change in diet, usage of strengthening hair products – specialized shampoos, as well as undergoing procedures such as a safe hair rejuvenation. Age is definitely a factor, and so is a potential hormonal imbalance that occurs in the pre and menopausal stage, but if you can’t stop hair loss altogether, you can at least take steps to keep it at bay for an extended period of time.

Breathe Easy With These Tips For Healthy Lungs


We all take breathing for granted so often, but it is such an important system in our body. After all, if we weren’t able to breathe properly for whatever reason, it would drastically damage our health, and it could have catastrophic consequences. So, as you can tell, it is really important that you do everything that you can to keep your respiratory system in good health.

If you ask most people how to improve their breathing and respiratory system, they might say that it’s all about keeping the lungs healthy. And that’s true, but some people aren’t too sure how to do that. Don’t panic if you haven’t got a clue, here are some top tips for healthier lung that will help you breathe easier.

Stay Away From Dangerous Materials

If you take a look at the website for the NBA Law Firm's mesothelioma attorneys, you will see that asbestos is a cause of some very serious lung and respiratory diseases. So, it’s really important that you try to stay well away from it and any other potentially dangerous materials. If you currently live in an old house that has asbestos in the walls, it won’t harm you until it is disturbed. If you do need to disturb it for decorating purposes, you should call an expert to come and remove the material safely for you.


Watch Your Posture

Did you know that your posture can also have an effect on your lungs? It’s true! The lungs are very soft and made out of tissues that can be easily bent and squashed. So, if you don’t make enough room for them in your chest, then they won’t be able to fill to their full potential. When you are sitting down, make sure you are sitting with a straight back as tall as possible. That way, the lungs can fill up the chest cavity, and you will be able to get enough air into the body.

New Parents - Heed This Advice!

If you’re a new parent or are about to be one, it’s likely you’re currently experiencing information overload. From your Doctor to your family and friends, to the parenting books or blogs you read, you’re likely being told thousands of do’s and don’ts from every angle you look. If this is the case for you, you’re likely familiar with your head spinning round and round as you try to process all this information. It can feel dizzying. However, this feeling is good. It shows you care about being a good parent. If you care about being a good parent, odds are you will be a good parent. This means you have your priorities straightened.

However, it is possible to overthink this period, especially the moment you bring the new child back from the hospital and into the embrace of your loving home. This information overload can distract you. While we hope to add to this informational artillery strike, we hope to also simplify some handy pointers you can easily remember, helping you keep in mind your tasks and responsibilities without stressing over every little point. If you keep these tips in mind, you’re sure to get started on the right footing: