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The Life Changing Benefits Of A Good Night's Sleep

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

People who sleep well often take it for granted. Consistently getting a good amount of quality sleep is one of the best things for our overall health. Research has shown that approximately 70 people suffer from some form of sleep disorder. So if you’re struggling to get your quota of sleep every night, you’re in good company. 

A bad night’s sleep can knock you off your game the next day but not many people realize how much sleep affects their overall health. 

Insomnia can be caused by all manner of things such as stress, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, alcohol, and stimulants. 
Creating The Right Conditions For Sleeping Well

A good nighttime routine and a bedroom free of distractions are all important for sleeping well. Some people swear by drinking warm milk or taking a supplement such as melatonin or CBD oil, to learn more about its potential benefits. White noise machines are also becoming more popular too. 

Try and keep your bedroom for sleep, rather than keeping it piled high with clutter, or watching TV. Your bedroom should be a place where you can relax.

Health Benefits Of Sleep

There’s not one major aspect of our well-being that sleep does not impact, that’s why a bad night’s sleep can have such an effect on us. Frequently missing out on quality sleep can start to raise our risk of potentially serious health problems. Here are some of the main ways it can keep us healthy. 

Repairs Your Body
It really is ‘beauty sleep’. Sleep is when your body gets to work undoing the damage of the day. It’s when the skin rejuvenates and the exposure to stress and UV is repaired. When you’re feeling ill, you often have the urge to sleep in order for your body to start repairing itself and your immune system to kick into action. 

Reduces Anxiety & Stress
Modern life can be stressful, which can lead to the release of cortisol, the stress hormone. Lack of sleep can add to this stress which in turn can raise blood pressure, a leading factor in stroke and heart attack. 
Lowers The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease
People who suffer from poor quality of sleep increase their risks of high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, stroke, and heart disease. 

Helps You Lose Weight
Studies have shown that people who sleep for longer at night are less likely to be obese. This could be due to the fact that poor sleep can affect hormone balance and appetite. The hormones involved in appetite regulation, leptin, and ghrelin are greatly disrupted when you’re not getting enough sleep. So if you’re looking to lose or maintain your weight, get some regular shut-eye. 

Improves Your Brain Function
Sleep is important for your memory. While you’re asleep your brain is processing all of the information from the day. When you are in a deep sleep, your brain is storing memories that can improve your knowledge recall and process information faster when you’re awake. 

You’re also more likely to feel alert and ready for the day after a good sleep. Your reflexes will be better and you’ll be able to think more clearly. 
How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?
Most health professionals recommend a good seven and nine hours per night for optimum health. When it comes to sleep, everyone is different and needs a different amount, but anything less than six hours is probably going to start causing you a problem if it happens too often. 

It’s not just the amount of sleep you have either, but the quality. Some people can sleep for eight hours per night but wake up feeling lethargic and unrested, whereas someone else could sleep soundly for only six hours but feel full of energy. 

How Do You Know If You Have A Sleep Condition? 
Discovering if you have insomnia is not as easy as it might sound. Yes, not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep is the most obvious sign but there are others too. You may have no trouble falling asleep but wake frequently, wake yourself up snoring or sleep all night but still wake up feeling tired. 

If changes to your nighttime routine and reducing stress don’t work, then you might want to consider seeing a health professional, who will be able to eliminate any other health issues that might be causing your insomnia. So don’t suffer unnecessarily, a good night’s sleep should be enjoyed by everyone.