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Tips On Buying A New House

Buying a home is such a milestone in every couple’s marriage. This is a place that you’ll be able to come home too and make your own, add your own personal touches and create life lasting memories in! While all homes are unique, have it’s charm and character there are a few things you’ll want to remember before you sign on the dotted line. 

Are there any big things to look for when you first purchase a home? Of course! Below are a few things that you’ll want to take notice, write down to double check on and make sure you take into consideration before putting an offer. It’s a great list to take with you on any showings you’ll be looking at in the next few weeks or months. 

  1. Look Up - When you pull up to a home, before you een step foot inside be sure to check out the roof. Does the roof look relatively new or is it caving in somewhere? Can you see any gaping or holes within the structure? Chances are if you do, this could cost up a lot before you even begin to see what’s going on inside. Purchasing a new roof could also mean a lower homeowners insurance rate as a plus side. You want a roof that’s extremely sturdy and better equipped to defend against hail, wind or any other big climate changes depending on where you live. This should be one of the biggest things you look at when buying a home to help save you money, time and frustration down the road.
  2. Look At The Structure - As soon as you look into the home, look at the paint and the structural of it all. Look at the structure of the home such as any loose wires or any aging appliance that needs replacing. Don’t judge a room by it’s awful paint job, wallpaper or decor. These are just cosmetic things you can change quickly but the foundation will be there and you want it to last a long time. Paint chip and you can always paint or add what you want down the road.
  3. What Are Deal Breakers? - Aside from the basics like looking at quality countertops and windows,s think of the true purpose of your home and what are the requirements for you, your family and what you are looking for years from now. What is your lifestyle like such as a large kitchen for your growing family or a big backyard for hosting friends? It may be smart to spring for a home with any extra bedrooms or basements to turn into a bedroom in the future if you’re planning on having several guests or extra children over. It also might be a great idea to add a bonus room for entertainment purposes as well. 

Image: Brazilian Wood Depot 

Decking If you’re looking to change the deck in the backyard because of old wood, or just wanting to add your own special touch be sure to find a quality company to assist you to build your dream social spot. Brazilian Wood Depot is an incredible resource to help you with this project. They have a variety of services including the type of deck flooring you are looking at. Tigerwood for example is a popular choice by many homeowners for its rich and exotic colors. It has incredible streaks of black, rustic browns and copper reminiscent of a tiger coat, hence its name. This Tigerwood is renowned for its ability to last many decades even in extreme weather conditions. Density and hardness plays a large role in that. Natural resistance to water penetration and rot can also contribute to its longevity. It’s ability to withstand heavy rainfall has made the wood naturally resistant to water penetration, mold or decay.
Plumbing - When you are looking at a new kitchen or bathroom, be sure to check underneath the sink and examine those pipes. Look for water damage, leaks or any mold. Of course, mold gives a foul smell but it can also cause major health problems. If you have a newborn or live with someone that has asthma, this is something you want to be extremely careful about before moving in.

There are a few other things that I haven’t listed that could also be concerned with you when looking at the house. Always have a home inspection done and check every nook and cranny that you can before you sign anything. Overall, celebrate such an exciting milestone in your life because this is such an emotional and joyous occasion for you and your loved ones! What other items have I not listed that you think are a big tip to purchasing a new home?