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10 Things You Can Do To Increase Your Chances Of Falling Pregnant

If you want to conceive, one of the smartest things you can do is make sure your body is ready to house a baby. You can’t smoke, drink, and party and expect your body to want to allow a baby to grow in there for 9 months. Treating yourself with care and making sure you’re doing all you can enable you to make it happen faster and in a healthy way. Below you’ll find 10 things you can do to increase your chances of falling pregnant: 

1. Know Your Stress Triggers And Remove Them From Your Life

Stress is a huge factor when women struggle to conceive. If you’re stressed, it’ll do you the world of good to figure out what your stress triggers are and remove them from your life. Is there a toxic person in your life that is bringing you down? Maybe you’re taking on too much work and you know you could do without it? Taking the time to remove these things from your life and spending more time destressing will make a huge difference. Practice deep breathing, try meditation and yoga, even nap more - do everything you can do lower your stress levels. 

2. Eat Healthy Foods

Learn as much as you can about nutrition and aim to eat healthy, balanced meals. Try to get plenty of fruit and vegetables into your diet, as well as healthy fats, protein, and carbs. Limit trans fats and other nasties. Do your research on foods that are thought to help/hinder pregnancy, too. 

For instance, some fish are higher in mercury than others. Swordfish, marlin, mackerel, and bigeye tuna are just a few you should probably avoid when you’re trying to conceive. They have been linked to fertility issues in both men and women. Mercury can stay in your system for over a year, so it could cause problems if this is something you are eating a lot. If you don’t want to give up seafood because you love it, low mercury options include cod, crab, crawfish, haddock, herring, salmon, shrimp, whitefish and more. Make sure you don’t eat any more than 3 servings a week while pregnant. 

3. Stay Away From Bad Habits Like Alcohol And Smoking
It goes without saying that any excessive drinking and smoking should stop as early on as possible, not just once you fall pregnant. Find another way to relax and unwind. The sooner you get help to quit, the sooner you increase your chances of falling pregnant. 


4. Make Sure Your Partner Is Happy And Healthy

Your partner plays a huge role in whether you conceive too, so don't neglect to make sure they are doing their part too. They should be reducing their stress triggers, eating well with you, and be just as committed to making this happen as you are. 

5.Monitor Your Weight

A healthy weight is key for falling pregnant. You should not be underweight nor overweight. Taking care of yourself with exercise and eating well should see to a healthy weight, but if you’re unsure of what to do you should visit your doctor and they will be able to give you more information. Your weight is not the be-all and end-all, so don’t get obsessed with it or make yourself sick, but it’s something you should look at if you want the best chance of getting pregnant.

6. Get Some Light Exercise

Hard workouts can easily stop your body from conceiving, so switch to lighter workouts like Pilates or walking instead. Weight lifting is great and can even be good while you’re pregnant to help you stay healthy, but you should avoid doing anything too strenuous. If you are particularly lean from exercise, this could also stop you from conceiving, even if you are considered a healthy weight. 

7. Get A Professional Opinion

It could be time to get a professional opinion if you have been trying for a while and are unsure of what to do. Your doctor should be able to point you in the direction of a specialist that can look at your situation and maybe even do some tests. An abortion clinic or sexual health clinic may not provide the same service, so you will have to do your research to see what you find. 

8. Take Vitamins and Supplements

Taking the right vitamins and supplements can help you to greatly improve your chances of falling pregnant providing you’re living a healthy lifestyle. Take a prenatal vitamin, as well as a multivitamin containing at least 400 micrograms (mcg) per day of folic acid, and a B vitamin that is significant for avoiding birth defects in a baby's brain and spine. Starting your folic acid supplementation is a good idea.

9.Understand Your Cycle

It’ll seriously help if you understand your cycle, so use an app like Natural Cycles. You simply set the app to ‘conceive’, and then use the thermometer every morning to let the algorithm tell you what stage of your cycle you’re in. You’ll then know just the right time to conceive. Bear in mind that you should be having sex around ovulation every other day to improve your chances

10. Be Aware Of Age-Related Declines In Fertility

Fertility will decrease as you get older because changes in the ovaries cause a decline in the amount and quality of a woman’s eggs. With age, potential problems can also occur with pregnancy. There’s a gradual decline starting in the 30s, and then after the age of 37, with a bigger decline after the age of 40. Of course, you can still get pregnant, it may just take longer. It’s important to be aware of this so stress doesn’t become an issue if you have been trying for a while.

How will you increase your chances of falling pregnant?