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5 Travel Essentials that Every Mom Should Know

Parenting is surely a tough task, but, travelling with your kid, especially a new born, seems to be totally unimaginable for new moms. However, every lock comes with a key and here are 5 of our favourites Travel Essentials that is a must have for every mom in the world.

1. First Aid Kit
No, it’s just not the antiseptics and the tonic water. Your new-born would certainly need more than that! When you arrange for your first aid kit, add the following items to your packing list – age appropriate medications like Benadryl, Motrin, Acetaminophen and Thermometer. Check the labels carefully, and ask your doctor before you give these medications to your baby.
2. Baby Clothing
If you thought that few extra diapers and wet wipes would do the job, you are certainly wrong on that! Shop on Lazada for some extra pair of burp clothes, cardigan, front snap pyjamas, hooded towel, baby socks and 2-3 nice outfits – yes, that would do! Do not load your luggage with loads and loads of extra towels, baby formulas and the like.
3. Carriers and Car Seat
Carrying your baby in arms is certainly a pleasure, but, it can sometimes get painful too. Therefore, buying a carrier is a must. Purchase a lightweight and a comfortable carrier so that you don’t have to compromise your travel adventure for your baby. Make sure the mesh linings are descent enough to provide enough ventilation in all types of climatic conditions. And, if you are going for a long drive with your baby, the car seat for your baby should be equipped with fine quality buckle pockets and high performance fabric.
4. Stroller
Of course, you would need a stroller to help your baby experience the picturesque landscape of your vacation hotspot with ease. A perfect stroller should be multifunctional, that is, it should be inter-convertible into a recliner, a stroller and a seater.  Pick playful colours so that your child can equally experience the joy of the vacation.
5. Beauty Essentials
Baby skin is fragile and it would certainly need a lot of protection than other members of your family. You can shop on Althea to get the best and organic range of Sunscreen, Powders, Creams and Bathing Solutions for you as well as your baby. Make sure you apply baby sunscreen before taking your baby out in the sun and wash your baby with an organic baby wash to help him/her feel refreshed and energetic during the travel.