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How to Save Money for the Financial Crisis

Person Holding Black and Grey Pen
When we talk about financial stability many individuals are not sure if they are stable when it comes to financing. How much can you save in a day? or in a month? Do you even save? Sometimes when we are not in the situation of being in need, We tend to forget to save for tomorrow and that is not good. We all know that being financially stable gives you the peace of mind you've wanted, The security for yourself and for your family. When there's a possibility of a financial crisis you will not have to stress out your self-thinking where to go for help because you saved for this time.
There are many ways on how you can easily save money for the future. Doing it wisely will save you in case of financial crises comes.

Connovate Philippines Pioneers Concrete Building Tech with Less CO2 Emissions and 100 Years Material Lifespan

Connovate Philippines Inc. and Imperial Homes Corp are making history in the Philippine real estate scene as the first adopter of Connovate in the country. Connovate, a construction breakthrough from Denmark, is a high-performance concrete building technology that offers less carbon footprint, 100 years material lifespan, fast construction, and insulation abilities, among other innovative features.
Connovate Philippines Inc. acquired the exclusive production licensing agreement from Connovate Denmark. Imperial Homes Corp. is the first developer to use the Connovate technology in the Philippines and to produce it for low-cost mass housing projects designed to better the lives of low-income Filipinos.

Eco-Friendly Pamana Homes: Imperial Homes’ Lifetime Solar-Powered Community Unveils Homes That Will Last 100 Years

The Philippines’ most innovative and sustainable housing developer, Imperial Homes Corp., launches the country’s first lifetime home and its second generation of solar-powered low-cost housing, the Imperial Lifetime Homes. It’s not just solar-powered. It’s built to last a lifetime.
Boasting of 100 years material lifespan and solar power solutions, Imperial Lifetime Homes is not only a first in the country but also in the world. This budget-friendly and sustainable housing line is making its debut at Via Verde Subdivision in Sto. Tomas, Batangas.
In May 2016, Imperial Homes Corp. was recognized by The Financial Times and International Finance Corporation (IFC) for transformational business in the 'Achievement in Low-Carbon Urban Transformation' category. The company continues to be the poster child of IFC for its solar-powered projects, showcasing happy homeowners as living testimonials that world-class green homes are available to the low-income housing market in the Philippines.
Now, Imperial Homes Corp. is breaking the world record by producing high-performance concrete house panels that can last a lifetime for low-cost homes in the Philippines. The Imperial Lifetime Home is the first low-cost housing line in the Philippines to use Connovate, a high-performance concrete building technology developed in Denmark and intended for the high-end market.

This Imperial Lifetime Homes housing line is made possible by Imperial Homes Corp.’s partnership with Connovate Philippines Inc. who have the exclusive production licensing agreement from Connovate Denmark. The automated Danish factory location in Silang, Cavite has a full capacity of two houses per day production. As a result, it now has a Philippine record of the fastest developer with the installation of 6 ground floor units a day.
Due to its construction speed, Connovate Philippines Inc. addresses one of the biggest problems in the country’s housing backlog. Many low-cost housing developers could not meet the deadline to deliver quality homes to its buyers, resulting in poor quality homes that can last for 30 years only.

“The Imperial Lifetime Home is a better investment because of 100 years material lifespan on the panel system, which highlights bigger savings. Because it is built to last for several generations, we also call it a ‘pamana’ home,” says Emma Imperial, CEO of Imperial Homes Corp.
Because of its 100 years material lifespan, the value of the homes will be three times more than non-lifetime homes due to lesser cost in renovation. From an affordable price ranging from P1.6 million to P1.9 million, an Imperial Lifetime Home is projected to increase in value at P7.5 million in 30 years compared to non-lifetime homes, which will have a projected value of P4.2 million. Refurbishment costs are also lowered by 166% in 30 years.
Homeowners can enjoy big savings on refurbishments with the panels’ high-quality surfaces, robustness, and durability that can last for generations. The panels are also made of non-porous materials that can help reduce health risks caused by molds formation, which is a major concern in an ordinary home. This makes Imperial Lifetime Home a healthy home like no other.
“Big savings on electricity. Big savings on refurbishments. Big savings from a healthy home. Imperial Lifetime Homes provide better home investment opportunities for low-income Filipinos with world-class green homes that can last a lifetime.  This marks the beginning of a new era in low-cost housing in the Philippines," says Emma Imperial.

Youth surfers share Coke vision of a World Without Waste The Circle Hostel wins Coke Barkada Awardee for ‘eco-bricks’ project  

There are different reasons why organizations put up environment protection programs. For The Circle Hostel, the Philippines’ annual 1.88 million tons worth of plastic waste in the oceans was reason enough for its avid surfers and environmentalists to create their multi-award-winning program, The Plastic Solution.

“We were encountering plastic debris in the ocean, in our surf, and we wanted to do something about it, something that was not only low-tech but also community-driven,” shared Fiona Faulkner, The Circle Hostel environmental officer.

With this in mind, they started The Plastic Solution, an environmental movement which aims to raise awareness of the negative effects of plastic waste consumption and reduce plastics by promoting a zero-plastic lifestyle among community members and repurposing non-biodegradable materials through eco-bricking.

The foundation of the project is eco-bricking, the process of stuffing PET bottles with non-biodegradable waste such as shampoo sachets, plastic straws, snack wrappers, and other single-use plastics. The eco-bricks are then used as simple alternative fillers in constructing walls, fences, benches, low-cost community structures, and more.

The Circle Hostel project shares the vision of a World Without Waste of The Coca-Cola Company with the goal of collecting and recycling one bottle for each that it sells globally by 2030.

The Plastic Solution starts by teaching volunteer partners the basics of eco-bricking then they provide outlets for eco-bricks and accept eco-bricks from volunteers through their collection partners. The organization has successfully constructed different low-cost builds with eco-bricks, including outdoor showers, walls and perimeter fences for their hostels, and an eco-brick base used for a reforestation nursery, in partnership with the Aeta community of Yangil, Zambales.

Coca-Cola Philippines Public Affairs and Communications Director, Jonah De Lumen-Pernia (left) presents the Coke Barkada Award to The Circle Hostel environmental officer Fiona Faulkner, as both their organizations take a stand to create a world without waste

Five Ways To Build Better Relationships Through Improving Your Body Image

If you are not happy in your own skin, other people around you will notice, and it will be harder for you to build meaningful relationships. Having a negative body image can prevent you from being happy and getting involved in an intimate relationship, so you have to learn to accept yourself. Address your body image issues before trying to find and keep the person made for you. Below you can read about the different ways of preventing your unhealthy body image killing your relationships.
  1. Learn to Love Yourself

Image via Pixabay

When you are not happy with your body, you will be self-conscious in the bedroom, too. You might be wearing clothes that hide your figure at home, and when going out, instead of learning to accept your limitations. An unhealthy body image can impact your intimacy. Practice self-compassion, and make sure you feel comfortable in your skin in every situation, so you can enjoy your own company and others’.
  1. Having Fun

If you are constantly thinking negatively about your body, you are more likely to suffer from low confidence that will prevent you from having fun. You will become withdrawn and avoid meeting new people. This will leave you with little or no chance to find the real person who can make you complete. You will not feel comfortable around people and neglect your appearance. Your self-worth will be reduced, which means you will not believe that anyone could love you for who you are.
  1. Healthy Eating Habits

It is important to know that an unhealthy body image can cause mental health issues and digestive problems. You need to make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals for your body to function. If you will lose weight too fast, be prepared for the consequences, such as saggy skin, digestive issues, or even losing your hair. If you are not happy with how you look, you might want to talk to an expert before you develop psychological disorders.
  1. Don’t Try To Be Someone Else

Most people say that trying to look different is an expression of rejecting who you are. In some cases, this is true. If you know exactly what would enhance your appearance, nothing should hold you back from talking to breast augmentation clinics and exploring ways of feeling better in your skin. Try to be the best version of yourself.

5. Learn to Trust

Image via Max Pixel

If you don’t feel confident and happy in your skin, you will believe that everyone who pays you a compliment is lying or makes fun of you. You will not take compliments seriously, as your negative body image will tell you otherwise. Every meaningful relationship starts with trust. If you are unable to believe people’s comments about you, you will have less chance of being happy with someone special.

Having a healthy body image is essential to good romantic relationships and friendships. Know your body’s limitations, and try to accept them to the best of your abilities, remembering that nobody is perfect.