geek t shirt

Helping Your Kids Get Through a Breakup

When we have kids with someone, we hope that we'll be together forever. That we will be able to bring our kids up in a loving and stable family home. That we'll never argue or fight, and we'll always be happy. This is unrealistic. All families struggle, and all couples disagree sometimes. No matter how close you are, it's human nature, and it's good for your kids to see that even the happiest of couples have their ups and downs. But, sometimes it's worse than this. In fact, around 40 to 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce.

Divorce or the breakdown of a serious relationship is always tough, no matter whose decision it was or what happened. Even if you have both agreed that it's for the best, and you know that you've made a decision that will one day make you happier, it's hard. You're not just upset about the loss of the relationship, you grieve for the life that you thought you'd have, and the family you wanted to give your children.

Reducing The Amount You Spend On Tech For Kids

Kids are always pestering their parents for the latest piece of tech that everybody else has. They’ll tell you that if they don’t have it then they won’t be cool, which is probably the worst possible thing that can happen to a child. The problem is, all of that tech is incredibly expensive. The situation is made more difficult by the fact that they need laptops for schoolwork now so even if you aren’t going to get them that new games console they’re desperate for, you still need to update their computer from time to time. When you’re trying to budget for the whole family, those extra expenses can put a spanner in the works but don’t worry, there are some simple ways that you can make big savings on tech.

Repair, Don’t Replace

Kids are prone to breaking things quite a lot and if they’re smashing their phone screen once a month, the bill will soon rack up. But you don’t need to bother buying them a brand new phone every time they drop it. It’s much cheaper to send it off to somewhere like and have it fixed instead. It also teaches your kids the value of saving money by repairing things rather than being careless and buying new stuff every five minutes. This is especially important with computers because, while it might seem as though they’ve packed up completely, to an expert those problems might be simple to fix. You could get away with paying a small amount instead of shelling out for a whole new laptop.


Last January 20,2018 i had an invite to join and the Sunpiology 2018 Rosolution Run, I was excited because that was my first ever experienced joining in a fun run.
To give you guys an idea what is Sunpiology is,It is an annual fun run that organized by Sun Life Financial.It's actually called SunpiologyDuo because it comes in two parts,The Cycle and Run.
It supports Physical fitness and ofcourse the for the good cause such as Educations for Scholars and Diabetes Foundation.With the supports of sponsors and other partners.
Sunpiology was stars studded with Star Magic celebrities,And ofcourse the Sun Life brand ambassador Piolo Pascual is always present yearly.

I got a chance to see Enchong Dee,Robi Domingo and many more.Though that was my first time,Week before the event i trained myself,Jog and run little by little for me to keep and because i choose the 5km and being a SAHM for years,That was all new to me.
I enjoyed the Sunpiology event not only by seeing stars but also got a chance to see and hi to amazing people that i only knew by their social media profiles.When it also promoting fitness and good cause Sunpiology also lets workmates and family bonds at the event.
So much fun that day because they also had an after-party which many star magic stars performed.
Well organized event with so many booths to visit,Hope to join next year.

Cool Techie Tools That Every Mama Needs In Her Life


When it comes to the things that you want in your life, you may not really think of techie tools as being up there. But you don’t have to be a huge tech geek to benefit from some of the best gadgets around. We’ve already been over some of the best travel gadgets that you can find right now, but you don’t have to limit the cool tech in your life to when you travel. In fact, as a mom, you’re likely to find that there’s a lot of technology out there that will make your life easier. And what’s not to love about that? So let’s take a look at some of the coolest techie tools that you have to have in your life.

Mama Apps

If you’re an app girl, then you may be all over this first point. Because, as you know, there’s an app for pretty much everything. Whatever you need to do in life, you can get the app to make it happen. And this is definitely the case for mom life. Because there are so many amazing apps for moms like shows us. Not only can you organize your life better with the right apps, but you can also set reminders and even track certain things too. And this will definitely come in handy when life gets busy.

Just Freebie!

Who doesn't love freebies?Nowadays even small things are appreciated when you got them for free.Yes,Even a single pen for free is a nice thing to receive,Sample sizes or in full sizes it doesn't matter as long as it free.You can't get free things buy standing outside your home and wait for nothing right?
Not all free things are useful for you,But actually you can just use of it,Give it to someone who needs it,For example a pack of diaper but you don't have a baby in your house you can give it to your neighbor or needy persons.It this way,You're helping others even if you don't spending too much.