When we have kids with someone, we hope that we'll be together forever. That we will be able to bring our kids up in a loving and stable family home. That we'll never argue or fight, and we'll always be happy. This is unrealistic. All families struggle, and all couples disagree sometimes. No matter how close you are, it's human nature, and it's good for your kids to see that even the happiest of couples have their ups and downs. But, sometimes it's worse than this. In fact, around 40 to 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce.
Divorce or the breakdown of a serious relationship is always tough, no matter whose decision it was or what happened. Even if you have both agreed that it's for the best, and you know that you've made a decision that will one day make you happier, it's hard. You're not just upset about the loss of the relationship, you grieve for the life that you thought you'd have, and the family you wanted to give your children.