Speeding is one of the most commonly written traffic citations. Some drivers like the thrill of going fast, but there is a reason nearly all roads and highways have a posted speed limit. Traveling above the speed limit significantly increases the risk of a collision, and all too often, an innocent party gets injured.
Proving a negligent driver was speeding isn't always an easy task. Victims can go online to get helpful information about what steps to take first. Hiring a lawyer is also advisable. Here are some ways to prove the negligent driver's speeding led to the car accident:
1. Search the Scene for Physical Evidence
Anyone who has watched a true-crime documentary knows the importance of gathering physical evidence. It's also crucial to do this after a car accident. There may be key pieces of evidence that will help to paint a better picture of what happened.
First, search the road for any skid marks. While they may seem insignificant at first, the length and depth of skid marks can help forensic experts determine how long it took the negligent driver to stop. These marks can also help determine how fast the driver was going before the incident. For instance, longer skid marks indicate it took longer for the vehicle to stop, suggesting the driver was going over the speed limit.
Road debris and car damage may also help build a case. The faster a car travels, the farther it throws road debris. Forensic experts can use this information to determine the car's speed at the time. That's one reason it's critical to take plenty of measurements and photographs before cleaning up the accident scene. The amount of damage the car sustained is also very telling. Fast-moving vehicles hit with more force and leave behind more damage.
2. Request a Police Report
It's sometimes tempting to leave the scene of a minor car accident without calling the police. However, having a police report actually makes it easier to prove fault. Police reports contain vital information. Officers may note road conditions and take statements from all parties involved. They may even search for witnesses who can corroborate the story. If the officer wrote any speeding tickets at the scene, they would also note this in the report.
3. Look Around for Witnesses
Witnesses play an essential role in determining whether or not speed was a factor. Eyewitness testimonies can even help determine fault. While the average person can't report a driver's exact speed, they can tell if the guilty party was driving faster than everyone else on the road. Always make sure any witnesses leave their contact information in case the insurance company, lawyer, or police need to contact them again in the future.
Not every accident has eyewitnesses, however. What should an injured driver do if no one else saw the accident? That's when it's time to call in expert witnesses. These professionals have the skill and training needed to help determine speed and fault. Police officers, forensic experts, or traffic reconstruction professionals are some of the most helpful expert witnesses in car accident cases.
Who to Call After a Car Accident
Car accidents are not always cut-and-dry, especially when they involve speeding. Guilty parties may deny fault, and insurance companies will do anything to avoid paying. Victims should consider hiring a car accident lawyer instead of handling everything alone. Doing so will allow them time to focus on healing instead of stressing over the details of their case.